
nginx configuration

  • Remi

    Remi - 2011-03-13

    how do i configure nginx to run iipimage?

    thanks in advance.

  • Ruven

    Ruven - 2011-03-14

    There's some documentation on the Nginx site:
    and .
    But Nginx cannot start the IIPImage process for you, so you will need to use
    something like spawn-fcgi to start it. See
    for how to do this.

    There will also be the possibility of starting IIPImage without spawn-fcgi in
    the next release.

  • Hytmo

    Hytmo - 2011-03-17

    Hi Ruven,
    Do you have a date for the next release of IIPServer ? I saw the changelog on
    the SVN, and i guess there will be the watermarking feature on the tiles in
    the next release ?

  • Ruven

    Ruven - 2011-03-17

    No exact date, but very soon indeed! I'm doing final tests now, but it's
    looking fast and stable. If anyone wants to help test, please check out the
    latest code from SVN!

    Yes, there will be dynamic watermarking of tiles as well as memcached and
    JPEG2000 support.

  • Hytmo

    Hytmo - 2011-03-17

    glad to hear this, i will take the code and see how it's working on my system

  • DGSL

    DGSL - 2011-03-17

    Ruven, are you also including in this new release the optional switch for an
    strict WID/HEI parameters interpretation by the server (not modified by RGN
    values), as we talked in other threads about IIP protocol?
    I hope sooo ;)

  • Ruven

    Ruven - 2011-03-17

    Sorry, not in this version. But definitely in the 1.0 release afterwards! ;-)

  • Eoghan O Carragain

    But Nginx cannot start the IIPImage process for you, so you will need to use
    something like spawn-fcgi to start it. .... There will also be the possibility
    of starting IIPImage without spawn-fcgi in the next release.

    Can nginx start IIPImage in the current version, or does it still require
    spawn-fcgi or perhaps the command line option described in the documentation
    to start it? If so, does anyone have an example nginx configuration equivalent
    for the lighttpd fastcgi.server block given in the documentation?

    Also, when starting IIPImage using the command line option, how do you
    configure the number of processes to run? Or is it a case of calling it
    multiple times from the command line with different ports?

    Perhaps, the load-balancing configuration described in the diva.js
    documentation is what I'm looking for


  • Ruven

    Ruven - 2012-04-04

    It seems nginx is still not able to start an fcgi process, so use spawn-fcgi
    or just run iipsrv from the command line. You cannot start multiple processes
    automatically, however, using these methods. If you want to do this on a
    single machine, then either start up each process on a different port. For
    example 9000, 9001, 9002 etc and use nginx to load balance to these. On
    different machines, just run one on port 9000 on each machine and load balance
    to port 9000 on your different ip addresses.

  • Eoghan O Carragain

    Thanks Ruven,
    Following the diva.js example, I got nginx working with several processes on
    the same machine by starting them on the command-line with different ports and
    having nginx loadbalance as you recommended.

    Presumably it is a good idea to run multiple processes - I think you mentioned
    running one per CPU core before?

    Am I correct in thinking that the "max-procs" setting in lighttpd and the
    "-processes" directive in Apache/fastcgi_module will handle process managment
    for those web-severs (i.e. it will automatically start and load-balance
    processes), unlike nginx where processes need to be explicitely started and

    Finally, do you have any preference/recommendation re lighttpd -v- nginx for
    use with IIPImage.


  • Ruven

    Ruven - 2012-04-04

    Presumably it is a good idea to run multiple processes - I think you
    mentioned running one per CPU core before?

    You shouldn't start multiple processes unless you really need to. I am looking
    to have real threading included in a future version of iipsrv, but 1 process
    should be fine in most cases, especially if you are using it in conjunction
    with memcached.

    Am I correct in thinking that the "max-procs" setting in lighttpd and the
    "-processes" directive in Apache/fastcgi_module will handle process managment
    for those web-severs (i.e. it will automatically start and load-balance
    processes), unlike nginx where processes need to be explicitely started and

    Yes, that's right. lighttpd and Apache can handle all this automatically,
    though I'm not sure of what kind of load-balancing is done. Though, perhaps
    this doesn't really matter.

    Finally, do you have any preference/recommendation re lighttpd -v- nginx for
    use with IIPImage.

    I haven't really used nginx much, so I can't really comment. Our demo examples
    use lighttpd, whose fcgi load balancing is nicely done. But the choice of web
    server really depends on what else you need to have running on your server.
    I'm not sure it makes much of a difference for speed for iipsrv itself. The
    best way to optimize iipsrv is through faster disk IO and by using memcached.

  • Eoghan O Carragain


    You shouldn't start multiple processes unless you really need to. I am
    looking to have real threading included in a future version of iipsrv, but 1
    process should be fine in most cases, especially if you are using it in
    conjunction with memcached.

    Does this include the lighttpd configuration, i.e. do you recommend setting
    max-procs = 1? We will certainly be using memcached. Thanks again, Eoghan

  • Ruven

    Ruven - 2012-04-04

    Does this include the lighttpd configuration, i.e. do you recommend setting
    max-procs = 1? We will certainly be using memcached. Thanks again, Eoghan

    I have my server set up with both:

     "min-procs" => 1,
     "max-procs" => 1,

    so that it starts exactly 1 process



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