
Example with libtiff?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-04-21


    I'm trying to make use of iipimage in my current research project. I have a
    program that currently generates tiled image sets for rather large set of
    paper mill images. I would like to use iipimage to show this data to other

    I would rather use libtiff directly to prepare the pyramidal images instead of
    adding another pass with imagemagick.

    Could you share example code that writes a proper tiled image for iipimage? I
    am also interested on how the multiple channels in the images work.

  • Hans van den Berg


    I agree you do not always want to convert whole folders or folder trees,
    especially if you have a rather dynamic image set.

    I use the ImageMagick Com+ compatible object in c# to generate PTIFS on-the-
    fly for IIPImage. If a requested PTIF does not exist, it simply creates it on
    the spot. Depending on the performance of your host system this creates a
    little delay.

    Some sample code:

    private bool createPTIFusingMagick(string src_path, string tgt_path)
    // This 'silent method' uses the ImageMagickObject COM+ compatible component
    // to create a PTIF directly. Tested with ImageMagick 6.5.8.-Q8
    // You need to include a reference to ImagemagickObject.dll in your c# project
    // and add a 'using ImageMagickObject;' statement.

    ImageMagickObject.MagickImageClass imgo = new

    object param = new object { src_path, "-define", "tiff:tile-geometry=256x256",
    "-compress", "jpeg", "ptif:" + tgt_path };

    // perform the actual conversion

    imgo.Convert(ref param);

    // that is all!
    return true; // success
    // conversion did not go - error handling here

    return false; // failure

    I also managed to apply the same on-the-fly conversion principle from c# using
    VIPS, which is generally faster than Imagemagick, but is not COM+ compaticle
    and runs commandline from a shell. So it is less elegant, but faster.

    private bool createPTIFusingVIPS(string src_path, string tgt_path)
    // Uses the VIPS application in a 'silent' commandline to do the conversion.
    // VIPS is by far the fastest routine to do this.
    // You need to put the VIPS commandline tools (generally in the 'bin' folder
    of the package) somewhere (I use e:\vips)

    string vips_exepath = @"e:\vips\vips.exe"; // in my particular case points to
    the folder "e:\vips"

    // build command string
    string command = System.Convert.ToChar(34).ToString() + vips_exepath +
    // build command arguments string
    string arguments = @"im_vips2tiff "+sourcePath+"

    // we use the ProcessStartInfo class to execute VIPS.EXE
    ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo();
    startInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; // we do not want to see anything
    startInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
    //startInfo.WorkingDirectory = ... // optional
    startInfo.FileName = command;
    startInfo.Arguments = arguments;
    startInfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; // we do not want to see

    int timeOut = 12000; // let's keep it within limits

    // Start the process with the info we specified.
    // Call WaitForExit and then the using statement will close.
    using (Process exeProcess = Process.Start(startInfo))
    return true; // success
    catch (Exception e)
    return false; // failure

    It is really not so complicated!

    Hope I copied all the code in the right order. I made a few manual changes
    compared to my original code.

    All the best,

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-04-22

    Thanks for your Help!

    This is interesting post, but not exactly what I was looking for.

    I'm quite happy to calculate pictures beforehand, but I would like to write
    data directly to tiff file. Ie. Instead of image files I have a buffer of
    pixels that I'm currently writing out as separate tiles (it wouldn't fit to
    memory otherwise). I am seeking to replace this procedure to with something
    that would produce a single tiff that could be used with iipimage. Writing
    directly would be also better, since I could use a domain specific scaling
    method that produces different results from imagemagics/vips.

    The problem is that although I know how to make a tile tiff (I think) I have
    really no idea how to make pyramidal one.

  • Hans van den Berg

    Then I think you'd better look at the Libtiff documentation. The page has
    a section called 'Tile-oriented Image I/O' that refers to functions called
    TIFFWriteEncodedTile and TIFFWriteRawTile. This sound very much like what you
    are looking for.

    All the best,

  • Ruven

    Ruven - 2010-04-22

    You could also look at the source code of the tiff-handling section of the
    vips library for an example of how to generate a multi-resolution pyramid
    tiled tiff.

  • Tejas Gajera

    Tejas Gajera - 2010-08-02


    Do you have any suggestion why I'm not able to create multi-resolution pyramid
    tiled tiff of a 30GB source Tiff file? I have tried VIPS as well as Image
    Magic command line utility, but it did not work.


  • Ruven

    Ruven - 2010-08-02

    Do you have any suggestion why I'm not able to create multi-resolution
    pyramid tiled tiff of a 30GB source Tiff file? I have tried VIPS as well as
    Image Magic command line utility, but it did not work.

    You will need to use the new bigtiff extensions, which are available in the
    latest libtiff4 versions. So, you will need to install this then recompile
    both vips and iipsrv.

  • Tejas Gajera

    Tejas Gajera - 2010-08-02

    Thanks for your response Ruven.

    I was wondering if there is any way to specify bigtiff option in command line

  • Ruven

    Ruven - 2010-08-02

    I was wondering if there is any way to specify bigtiff option in command
    line utility.

    It's not an "option", you need to install a version of libtiff that can handle
    this kind of file size.

  • Tejas Gajera

    Tejas Gajera - 2010-08-02

    Thanks a lot Ruven for quick response again.

  • Tejas Gajera

    Tejas Gajera - 2010-08-13


    Would you help me to rebuild iipsrv against libtiff4 for windows system?

  • Ruven

    Ruven - 2010-08-14

    Hi Tgajera,

    I tried to reply to the email you sent directly to me, but it's impossible to
    send emails to your account. So, here's the reply I tried to send:

    The error you are getting is coming from libtiff, not vips. What did you
    do to install libtiff4 on your machine? Did you install a local copy in
    /usr/local or did you replace the system libtiff libraries?
    Which version of libtiff is being linked to when you do
    "ldd /usr/bin/vips"?

    And can you tell me what the ":,,,,,,8" part at the end of your im_copy
    command is?

    That's for Linux. For Windows the principle is the same - you will have to
    build iipsrv using libtiff4.

  • Tejas Gajera

    Tejas Gajera - 2010-08-15

    Thanks for your response Ruven. You are right, error was not from vips, it was
    because of wrong parameters for tiff. John (vips developer) helped me to solve
    this error. I need your help to compile iipsv against libtiff4 on windows.
    Moreover, please let me know if you have already built it for windows



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