Ho I can extract the area of face for a wall and the corners vertices (coordinates). Itired the following method but it is not working by OCC library :
To extract the area of each face of the wall, first you will need to explore the wall shape and find each face of the wall using TopExp_Explorer. Further you can use the extracted face to find the vertex on each face.
fromOCC.Core.TopExpimportTopExp_ExplorerfromOCC.Core.TopoDSimporttopodsfromOCC.Core.TopAbsimportTopAbs_FACE,TopAbs_VERTEXfromOCC.Core.BRepimportBRep_ToolfromOCC.Core.GPropimportGProp_GPropsfromOCC.Core.BRepGPropimportbrepgprop_SurfacePropertiesimportifcopenshellimportifcopenshell.geomsettings=ifcopenshell.geom.settings()settings.set(settings.USE_PYTHON_OPENCASCADE,True)file=ifcopenshell.open("Duplex_A_20110907_optimized.ifc")wall=file.by_type("IfcWall")[9]wall_brep_shape=ifcopenshell.geom.create_shape(settings,wall)# Create an explorer on wall shape and find all the face on this shapeexplore_face=TopExp_Explorer(wall_brep_shape.geometry,TopAbs_FACE)whileexplore_face.More():face=topods.Face(explore_face.Current())props=GProp_GProps()brepgprop_SurfaceProperties(face,props)# props.Mass() provides area of faceface_area=props.Mass()print(face,face_area)# Create an explorer on face and find all the vertexexplore_vertex=TopExp_Explorer(face,TopAbs_VERTEX)whileexplore_vertex.More():vertex=topods.Vertex(explore_vertex.Current())# Coordinate of vertex on facevertex_point=BRep_Tool().Pnt(vertex).Coord()print(vertex,vertex_point)explore_vertex.Next()explore_face.Next()
Is not your Anaconda Python I assume. Did you properly setup anaconda and conda activate? Otherwise try running from the Anaconda Prompt.
I have re-installed the anaconda and use Anaconda python
['C:\Users\Malavan-PC\anaconda3', 'C:\Users\Malavan-PC\anaconda3\lib\site-packages']
PS C:\Users\Malavan-PC\OneDrive - York University\Coding>
I remored all version of pythons on my machine and just reinstall the Anacoda. It works now. Thanks all for help and supports
Last edit: Hamid Kiavarz 2020-12-02
Ho I can extract the area of face for a wall and the corners vertices (coordinates). Itired the following method but it is not working by OCC library :
Hi Hamid,
To extract the area of each face of the wall, first you will need to explore the wall shape and find each face of the wall using TopExp_Explorer. Further you can use the extracted face to find the vertex on each face.
For more details please check:
1. OCC.Core.TopExp.TopExp_Explorer
2. OCC.Core.TopoDS.topods