
0 kb .stp .igs files

  • jnoordzij

    jnoordzij - 2018-02-07


    I tried the following two lines from command prompt

    C:\PROXSYS\ifcconvert>ifcconvert.exe C:\PROXSYS\ifcconvert>test.ifc C:\PROXSYS\ifcconvert>test.igs
    C:\PROXSYS\ifcconvert>ifcconvert.exe C:\PROXSYS\ifcconvert>test.ifc C:\PROXSYS\ifcconvert>test.stp

    The test.igs and test.stp files are created. But... they're both 0 kb.
    Am i doing something wrong?
    .obj file was succesful !

    Furthermore, is it also possible to batch convert a pile of ifc's to stp at once, by drag and drop onto the .exe?

    Thanks .


    Last edit: jnoordzij 2018-02-07
  • Stinkfist

    Stinkfist - 2018-02-07

    Hi, Can you confirm that what you wrote are the actual commands? The line breaks seem off.
    The usage should be: IfcConvert [options] <input.ifc> [<output>]
    So in your case something like:

    C:\PROXSYS\ifcconvert>IfcConvert.exe test.ifc test.igs

    As for your second question, yes, it is possible for a single file, but currently requires changing this line and recompiling IfcConvert yourself. Better way would be to create a batch file, say ConvertToStep.bat, which would invoke IfcConvert and pass the desired parameters along with the input filename along.


    Last edit: Stinkfist 2018-02-07
    • jnoordzij

      jnoordzij - 2018-02-08

      Thanks Stinkfist! What I was doing wrong is typing the full path before test.ifc and test.igs. By following your example it worked out. Great!

      Now for the batchconvert.. I am sorry but I do not understand what to do.
      What do you mean by recompiling IfcConvert myself?
      How do I create a .bat file? And how to pass parameters towards input and output ?
      Is there also a way using command line inputs to batchconvert files?

      I am sorry I am pretty newb to all this :) your help is much appreciated. many thanks.


      Last edit: jnoordzij 2018-02-08
  • Stinkfist

    Stinkfist - 2018-02-08

    A simple sketch for the batch file (create to the same folder where IfcConvert resides):

    .\IfcConvert.exe %* output.stp

    %* means that all the arguments of the batch file are passed on as is. For multiple input files you need to break %* into multiple filenames and invoke IfcConvert with a unique output filename in a for-loop for each input file.


    Last edit: Stinkfist 2018-02-08
  • jnoordzij

    jnoordzij - 2018-02-14

    I'm sorry but I could use some more help with this.

    Should it be like

    FOR %* IN (test1.ifc,test2.ifc,test3.ifc) DO ConvertToStep.bat

    with ConvertToStep.bat being your exact sketch?

    Because that doesnt work. I get

    [Error] Unable to parse .ifc file or no geometrical entities found

    Last edit: jnoordzij 2018-02-14
  • jnoordzij

    jnoordzij - 2018-02-14

    I've done something else now. I've used excel to create the commands using string concatenation:

    ifcconvert.exe test1.ifc test1.stp
    ifcconvert.exe test2.ifc test2.stp
    ifcconvert.exe test3.ifc test3.stp
    ifcconvert.exe test4.ifc test4.stp

    When I copy paste these 4 cells into the cmd line at once then all 4 step files are created in 1 go :) yay!

    Nevertheless I would still like to learn how to reach the same result using only commands/loops/batch files. If you have any advice on this, please let me know!


    Last edit: jnoordzij 2018-02-14
  • Thomas Krijnen

    Thomas Krijnen - 2018-02-19

    Windows batch scripting is really not my expertise. Perhaps something like the following would work.

    FOR %%f IN (test1.ifc,test2.ifc,test3.ifc) DO IfcConvert.exe %%f %%f.stp
  • Stinkfist

    Stinkfist - 2018-03-07

    Sorry about the late reply. Thomas is on the right track, although I did not quite manage to get this work, this should look like a decent starting point:

    for %%f in ("%*") do call .\IfcConvert.exe "%%~f" "%%~nf.stp" --add-some-param-

    In this version I'm trying to replace the file extension instead of simply appending it to the original filename. Breaking %* to multiple filenames didn't quite work, so if you figure that out, the script should work.


    Last edit: Stinkfist 2018-03-07

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