
#53 Multiple Soundcards on Jingleplayer


Me again, and my last requested feature in 2013. :-)

We're using idjc from git in an excessive way and it's just awesome since we're able to stay on the 'jingle' tab with all player features.
We really love the left sided Jinglepanel for our touchpanels, _BUT_ we're using this one for both,.. Jingles and Musicbeds/Backgroundmusic. Bed's in the repeated mode and Jingles/Drop's _on shot_, and it's quite difficult to set up both to the correct volume on one soundcard, cause we cant set up several (two would be enough) soundcards on the jinglebuttons.

So finally, this is our 100$ donation featurerequest for you.
Setting up two or more soundcards to the jingleplayertabthingbuttons. The left one for the first card, the second one for another one is everything we need to fire up our broadcastin servers with idjc.

So what do you think? Doable?

Well then
Thanks it advance. and... it's a promise to donate $ 100.

Go ahead, and have a nice day


  • ingo

    ingo - 2013-02-20
    • summary: Multiple Soundcarts on Jingleplayer --> Multiple Soundcards on Jingleplayer
  • Stephen Fairchild

    Jack audio connection kit doesn't play well with multiple sound cards -- asynchronous sample clock issues.

    What if I just added another master volume control so each group of 12 effects buttons has its own master volume. The individual effects buttons have their own level controls too -- perhaps you missed that.

  • ingo

    ingo - 2013-02-21

    Oh thats it, another master volume :-)

    We're workin with audio interfaces so we're able to set up player A to one fader, player B to another fader... and so on, and it's working like a dream. But because we have Beds, Bumpers, Jingles, everything on the Jingleboard (one single fader we can use), the level controls are not usable at all.

    Whatever. 2 x 12 Buttons would be perfect

  • Stephen Fairchild

    Hopefully this will be completed some time tomorrow. See attached screenshot.

  • Stephen Fairchild

    • status: open --> closed
  • Stephen Fairchild

    Feature added. This includes key bindings which had to be altered.


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