
#46 Video Streaming to Icecast per Connection in IDJC


I have a question, it would be possible to build a following as a Connect scripts as well?

Scripts: see

I use it myself, but unfortunately only via console or Pytonscript.

It would be super if this option pass in the idjc would.

Thank you, Best regards


  • zoschel

    zoschel - 2012-06-25
    • labels: --> Interface Improvements (example)
    • milestone: --> Next Release (example)
    • assigned_to: nobody --> s-fairchild
  • zoschel

    zoschel - 2012-06-25


    Would it be possible to incorporate or not?


  • Stephen Fairchild

    Having read the script I see that it supports JACK audio so would I be right in assuming that you use this as the streamer and IDJC as the audio source?

    There is nothing wrong with this. Look into Ladish which is a JACK session manager program that allows you to save whatever audio graphs you manage to produce for later reuse so you can add things like audio processing and effects programs and not have to set everthing up manually each time you do a show.

    If video streaming were added there would need to be overlaid on the image, metadata from IDJC for stuff like track playing or who is doing the call-in on VoIP.

  • zoschel

    zoschel - 2012-06-25

    Here is a picture.

    For idjc output, select I want to be able Icecast2, audio codec and video device / dev/video0....bitrate from audio codec and frame rate from video device. which then together as ogg stream to Icecast2

  • zoschel

    zoschel - 2012-06-25
  • zoschel

    zoschel - 2013-12-07

    Hi Stephen,

    I have new gstreamer code for webm streaming Video to Icecast, Icecast Version 2.3.99

    "gst-launch v4l2src device=/dev/video0 ! queue ! ffmpegcolorspace ! videoscale ! video/x-raw-yuv,width=320,height=240 ! videorate skip-to-first=1 ! video/x-raw-yuv,framerate=25/1 ! vp8enc threads=2 quality=4 speed=0 max-latency=25 mode=vbr ! queue ! webmmux streamable=true name=mux jackaudiosrc connect=none ! audio/x-raw-float, channels=2 ! queue ! audioconvert ! vorbisenc quality=0.1 ! queue ! mux. mux. ! queue ! shout2send ip=xxxx port=xxxx username=xxx password=xxx mount=/video.webm streamname=xxxx description=xx genre=xxx

    Top Quality of Video and Audio, Bandwith is 180 - 220 kbs ;)



    Last edit: zoschel 2013-12-07
  • Stephen Fairchild

    • status: open --> wont-fix

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