Brian Millham - 2012-12-04

Is there any interest in a web site using the P3 or Ampache database for allowing your listeners to request songs?

I have already created a site do do this, and have integrated it into an older version of IDJC. I'm getting ready to integrate it into the latest development version of IDJC.

How it works on my older version of IDJC: Listeners request a song, and in your IDJC window, there will be a Requests Tab that shows what's been requested. You can drag requests directly into a player. When you play the song, they are marked as played on the web site. Also, there is a "Last Played" feature on the web site that is also updated when you play any song in your database.

I need to do some cleanup (hard coded passwords, etc.) of the web site code before sharing it.

You can see the current site here: