Durandana - 2014-02-27

Just for the people who enjoy copy/pasting code snippets into their projects, here's one to extract ID3 information from a single MP3:

private MusicLibraryEntry CreateEntryFromMp3File(FileInfo mp3File)
        ID3Tag tag;
        // Check for ID3v2 tags first
        tag = ID3v2Tag.ReadTag(mp3File.FullName);
        if (tag == null)
            // If no v2 tag, fall back on checking for ID3v1 tags
            tag = ID3v1Tag.ReadTag(mp3File.FullName);
        if (tag == null) // No tag exists
            return null;

        // TODO: You probably want to use heuristics to derive album/artist/title when none are present
        // otherwise, the ID3Sharp code will just fill the values with NULL
        MusicLibraryEntry returnVal = new MusicLibraryEntry()
            Title = tag.Title;
            Artist = tag.Artist;
            Album = tag.Album;
            FilePath = mp3File.FullName;
        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(returnVal.Title))
            returnVal.Title = fileName.Name;
        return returnVal;
    catch (FormatException e)
        // The ID3 library tends to throw ArithmeticExceptions and IndexOutOfBounds exceptions
        // I modified the source to recast these into FormatExceptions, to indicate a malformed tag.
    return null;