
#294 error message when leaving iCopy


17.09.2015 07:16:50
iCopy Version:
Windows Version: Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0 <<< ------- I am running Windows 10!!
.NET Version: 2.0.50727.8662

WIA Device count: 0
Trying to establish connection with the Device {6BDD1FC6-810F-11D0-BEC7-08002BE2092F}\0000
Couldn't connect to the scanner. DeviceID: {6BDD1FC6-810F-11D0-BEC7-08002BE2092F}\0000
Exception caught: Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80210067
Trying to establish connection with the Device {6BDD1FC6-810F-11D0-BEC7-08002BE2092F}\0002
Connection established with hp scanjet 5590. DeviceID: {6BDD1FC6-810F-11D0-BEC7-08002BE2092F}\0002
This scanner supports ADF
    Property 4098: Item Name  TYPE 16
        ReadOnly: True, Value: Root, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 4099: Full Item Name  TYPE 16
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 0002\Root, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 4101: Item Flags  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 76, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 2: Unique Device ID  TYPE 16
        ReadOnly: False, Value: {6BDD1FC6-810F-11D0-BEC7-08002BE2092F}\0002, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 3: Manufacturer  TYPE 16
        ReadOnly: True, Value: Hewlett-Packard, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 4: Description  TYPE 16
        ReadOnly: True, Value: hp scanjet 5590, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 5: Type  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 65538, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 6: Port  TYPE 16
        ReadOnly: True, Value: \\.\Usbscan0, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 7: Name  TYPE 16
        ReadOnly: True, Value: hp scanjet 5590, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 8: Server  TYPE 16
        ReadOnly: False, Value: local, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 9: Remote Device ID  TYPE 16
        ReadOnly: False, Value: , SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 10: UI Class ID  TYPE 16
        ReadOnly: True, Value: {4DB1AD10-3391-11D2-9A33-00C04FA36145}, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 11: Hardware Configuration  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 0, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 12: BaudRate  TYPE 16
        ReadOnly: True, Value: , SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 13: STI Generic Capabilities  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 49, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 14: WIA Version  TYPE 16
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 2.0, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 15: Driver Version  TYPE 16
        ReadOnly: True, Value:, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 16: PnP ID String  TYPE 16
        ReadOnly: True, Value: \\?\usb#vid_03f0&pid_1705#5&707f7b2&0&2#{6bdd1fc6-810f-11d0-bec7-08002be2092f}, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 17: STI Driver Version  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 2, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 3074: Horizontal Bed Size  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 8500, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 3075: Vertical Bed Size  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 11700, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 3079: Horizontal Bed Registration  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 0, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 3080: Vertical Bed Registration  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 0, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 4102: Access Rights  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 3, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 3090: Horizontal Optical Resolution  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 2400, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 3091: Vertical Optical Resolution  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 2400, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 1026: Firmware Version  TYPE 16
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 0.067, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 3095: Max Scan Time  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 500000, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 3104: Minimum Horizontal Sheet Feed Size  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 3500, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 3105: Minimum Vertical Sheet Feed Size  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 5000, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 3076: Horizontal Sheet Feed Size  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 8500, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 3077: Vertical Sheet Feed Size  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 14000, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 3078: Sheet Feeder Registration  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 1, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 3086: Document Handling Capabilities  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 39, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 3088: Document Handling Select  TYPE 5
        Default value: 2
        ReadOnly: False, Value: 2, SubType: FlagSubType
    Property 3087: Document Handling Status  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 0, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 3103: Show preview control  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 0, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 3096: Pages  TYPE 5
        Default value: 1
        ReadOnly: False, Value: 1, SubType: RangeSubType
            Min 0, Max 50, Step 1
    Property 4098: Item Name  TYPE 16
        ReadOnly: True, Value: \Top, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 4099: Full Item Name  TYPE 16
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 0002\Root\Top, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 4101: Item Flags  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 67, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 4120: Color Profile Name  TYPE 16
    iCopy.exe Error: 0 : Couldn't read property 4120
    Property 6154: Brightness  TYPE 5
        Default value: 0
        ReadOnly: False, Value: 0, SubType: RangeSubType
            Min -1000, Max 1000, Step 1
    Property 6155: Contrast  TYPE 5
        Default value: 0
        ReadOnly: False, Value: 0, SubType: RangeSubType
            Min -1000, Max 1000, Step 1
    Property 71692: Private Highlight Level  TYPE 5
        Default value: 0
        ReadOnly: False, Value: 0, SubType: RangeSubType
            Min -100, Max 100, Step 1
    Property 71694: Private Midtone Level  TYPE 5
        Default value: 0
        ReadOnly: False, Value: 0, SubType: RangeSubType
            Min -100, Max 100, Step 1
    Property 71693: Private Shadow Level  TYPE 5
        Default value: 0
        ReadOnly: False, Value: 0, SubType: RangeSubType
            Min -100, Max 100, Step 1
    Property 71695: Private Gamma  TYPE 5
        Default value: 2200
        ReadOnly: False, Value: 2200, SubType: RangeSubType
            Min 0, Max 4000, Step 1
    Property 71699: Private Saturation  TYPE 5
        Default value: 1000
        ReadOnly: False, Value: 1000, SubType: RangeSubType
            Min 0, Max 1500, Step 1
    Property 71696: Private Hue X  TYPE 5
        Default value: 0
        ReadOnly: False, Value: 0, SubType: RangeSubType
            Min -100, Max 100, Step 1
    Property 71697: Private Hue Y  TYPE 5
        Default value: 0
        ReadOnly: False, Value: 0, SubType: RangeSubType
            Min -100, Max 100, Step 1
    Property 71698: Private Sharpen Level  TYPE 5
        Default value: 3
        ReadOnly: False, Value: 3, SubType: RangeSubType
            Min 0, Max 5, Step 1
    Property 6159: Threshold  TYPE 5
        Default value: 55
        ReadOnly: False, Value: 55, SubType: RangeSubType
            Min 0, Max 128, Step 1
    Property 6147: Horizontal Resolution  TYPE 5
        Default value: 100
        ReadOnly: False, Value: 100, SubType: ListSubType
    Property 6148: Vertical Resolution  TYPE 5
        Default value: 100
        ReadOnly: False, Value: 100, SubType: ListSubType
    Property 71687: Private Default Resolution  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 100, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 71688: Private Quality Resolution  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 200, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 6149: Horizontal Start Position  TYPE 5
        Default value: 0
        ReadOnly: False, Value: 0, SubType: RangeSubType
            Min 0, Max 840, Step 1
    Property 6150: Vertical Start Position  TYPE 5
        Default value: 0
        ReadOnly: False, Value: 0, SubType: RangeSubType
            Min 0, Max 1160, Step 1
    Property 6151: Horizontal Extent  TYPE 5
        Default value: 850
        ReadOnly: False, Value: 850, SubType: RangeSubType
            Min 10, Max 850, Step 1
    Property 6152: Vertical Extent  TYPE 5
        Default value: 1170
        ReadOnly: False, Value: 1170, SubType: RangeSubType
            Min 10, Max 1170, Step 1
    Property 4112: Pixels Per Line  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 850, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 4113: Bytes Per Line  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 2552, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 4114: Number of Lines  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 1170, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 4116: Item Size  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 2985880, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 4118: Minimum Buffer Size  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 262144, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 6146: Current Intent  TYPE 5
        Default value: 0
        ReadOnly: False, Value: 0, SubType: FlagSubType
    Property 4103: Data Type  TYPE 5
        Default value: 3
        ReadOnly: False, Value: 3, SubType: ListSubType
    Property 4104: Bits Per Pixel  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 24, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 4110: Bits Per Channel  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 8, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 4109: Channels Per Pixel  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 3, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 4111: Planar  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 0, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 4107: Compression  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 0, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 4108: Media Type  TYPE 5
        Default value: 128
        ReadOnly: False, Value: 128, SubType: ListSubType
    Property 4106: Format  TYPE 15
        ReadOnly: False, Value: {B96B3CAA-0728-11D3-9D7B-0000F81EF32E}, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 4105: Preferred Format  TYPE 15
        ReadOnly: True, Value: {B96B3CAA-0728-11D3-9D7B-0000F81EF32E}, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 4123: Filename extension  TYPE 16
        ReadOnly: True, Value: BMP, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 4102: Access Rights  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 3, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 6153: Photometric Interpretation  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 0, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 71686: Private Source Depth  TYPE 5
        Default value: 0
        ReadOnly: False, Value: 0, SubType: FlagSubType
    Property 71683: Private Preview  TYPE 5
        Default value: 0
        ReadOnly: False, Value: 0, SubType: ListSubType
    Property 71689: Private Exposure Method  TYPE 5
        Default value: 0
        ReadOnly: False, Value: 0, SubType: ListSubType
    Property 71722: Private Smoothing  TYPE 5
        Default value: 1
        ReadOnly: False, Value: 1, SubType: ListSubType
    Property 71723: Private Color Enhanced  TYPE 5
        Default value: 0
        ReadOnly: False, Value: 0, SubType: ListSubType
    Property 71685: Private TMA Method  TYPE 5
        Default value: 0
        ReadOnly: False, Value: 0, SubType: ListSubType
    Property 71701: Private Defaults  TYPE 102
        ReadOnly: True, Value: System.__ComObject, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 71702: 71702  TYPE 102
        ReadOnly: True, Value: System.__ComObject, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 71703: 71703  TYPE 102
        ReadOnly: True, Value: System.__ComObject, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 71704: 71704  TYPE 102
        ReadOnly: True, Value: System.__ComObject, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 71711: 71711  TYPE 102
        ReadOnly: True, Value: System.__ComObject, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 71712: 71712  TYPE 102
        ReadOnly: True, Value: System.__ComObject, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 71705: 71705  TYPE 102
        ReadOnly: True, Value: System.__ComObject, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 71706: 71706  TYPE 102
        ReadOnly: True, Value: System.__ComObject, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 71707: 71707  TYPE 102
        ReadOnly: True, Value: System.__ComObject, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 71708: 71708  TYPE 102
        ReadOnly: True, Value: System.__ComObject, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 71709: 71709  TYPE 102
        ReadOnly: True, Value: System.__ComObject, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 71710: 71710  TYPE 102
        ReadOnly: True, Value: System.__ComObject, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 71721: 71721  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 0, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 71713: 71713  TYPE 102
        ReadOnly: True, Value: System.__ComObject, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 71714: 71714  TYPE 102
        ReadOnly: True, Value: System.__ComObject, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 71715: 71715  TYPE 102
        ReadOnly: True, Value: System.__ComObject, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 71716: 71716  TYPE 102
        ReadOnly: True, Value: System.__ComObject, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 71717: 71717  TYPE 102
        ReadOnly: True, Value: System.__ComObject, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 71718: 71718  TYPE 102
        ReadOnly: True, Value: System.__ComObject, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 71719: 71719  TYPE 102
        ReadOnly: True, Value: System.__ComObject, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 71720: Private Property  TYPE 102
        ReadOnly: True, Value: System.__ComObject, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
Trying to establish connection with the Device {6BDD1FC6-810F-11D0-BEC7-08002BE2092F}\0002
Connection established with hp scanjet 5590. DeviceID: {6BDD1FC6-810F-11D0-BEC7-08002BE2092F}\0002
This scanner supports ADF
Starting acquisition
        Bit Depth:  0
Brightness:     0
Contrast:   0
Resolution:     100
Intent:     ColorIntent
Quality:    100
Scaling:    100
Copies:     1
Preview:    True
UseADF:     False
Duplex:     False
Multipage:  False
Scan Output:    PDF
Path:   C:\Users\JKeens\Dropbox\LuziaJohanna\Infos Beerdigung und Nachlass\20150914_Schreiben_R+V_Auflösung_Unfallversicherung.pdf
Center:     True
    Setting scan properties
    Brightness set to 0 -> 0
    Contrast set to 0 -> 0
    Intent set to ColorIntent
    Resolution set to 100
    Set Horizontal Extent to: 827
    Set Vertical Extent to: 1169
    Horizontal extent 827, Vertical extent 1169
    Image count 0. Acquiring next image
    Subitems count: 0
    Acquisition canceled by the user
Trying to establish connection with the Device {6BDD1FC6-810F-11D0-BEC7-08002BE2092F}\0002
Connection established with hp scanjet 5590. DeviceID: {6BDD1FC6-810F-11D0-BEC7-08002BE2092F}\0002
This scanner supports ADF
Starting acquisition
        Bit Depth:  0
Brightness:     0
Contrast:   0
Resolution:     100
Intent:     ColorIntent
Quality:    100
Scaling:    100
Copies:     1
Preview:    True
UseADF:     False
Duplex:     False
Multipage:  False
Scan Output:    PDF
Path:   C:\Users\JKeens\Dropbox\LuziaJohanna\Infos Beerdigung und Nachlass\20150914_R+V_Aufloesung_Unfallversicherung.pdf
Center:     True
    Setting scan properties
    Brightness set to 0 -> 0
    Contrast set to 0 -> 0
    Intent set to ColorIntent
    Resolution set to 100
    Set Horizontal Extent to: 827
    Set Vertical Extent to: 1169
    Horizontal extent 827, Vertical extent 1169
    Image count 0. Acquiring next image
    Subitems count: 0
iCopy.exe Error: 0 : Exception caught.
iCopy.exe Error: 0 : System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Der Zugriff auf den Pfad "C:\Users\JKeens\AppData\Local\iCopy\iCopy.settings" wurde verweigert.

bei System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
bei System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy)
bei System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share)
bei System.Xml.XmlTextWriter..ctor(String filename, Encoding encoding)
bei System.Xml.XmlDocument.Save(String filename)
bei iCopy.PortableSettingsProvider.SetPropertyValues(SettingsContext context, SettingsPropertyValueCollection propvals)
bei System.Configuration.SettingsBase.SaveCore()
bei System.Configuration.SettingsBase.Save()
bei System.Configuration.ApplicationSettingsBase.Save()
bei iCopy.appControl.Main(String[] sArgs)

18.09.2015 10:00:27
iCopy Version:
Windows Version: Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0
.NET Version: 2.0.50727.8662

WIA Device count: 1
Trying to establish connection with the Device {6BDD1FC6-810F-11D0-BEC7-08002BE2092F}\0000
Couldn't connect to the scanner. DeviceID: {6BDD1FC6-810F-11D0-BEC7-08002BE2092F}\0000
Exception caught: Ausnahme von HRESULT: 0x80210067
Trying to establish connection with the Device {6BDD1FC6-810F-11D0-BEC7-08002BE2092F}\0002
Connection established with hp scanjet 5590. DeviceID: {6BDD1FC6-810F-11D0-BEC7-08002BE2092F}\0002
This scanner supports ADF
    Property 4098: Item Name  TYPE 16
        ReadOnly: True, Value: Root, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 4099: Full Item Name  TYPE 16
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 0002\Root, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 4101: Item Flags  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 76, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 2: Unique Device ID  TYPE 16
        ReadOnly: False, Value: {6BDD1FC6-810F-11D0-BEC7-08002BE2092F}\0002, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 3: Manufacturer  TYPE 16
        ReadOnly: True, Value: Hewlett-Packard, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 4: Description  TYPE 16
        ReadOnly: True, Value: hp scanjet 5590, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 5: Type  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 65538, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 6: Port  TYPE 16
        ReadOnly: True, Value: \\.\Usbscan0, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 7: Name  TYPE 16
        ReadOnly: True, Value: hp scanjet 5590, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 8: Server  TYPE 16
        ReadOnly: False, Value: local, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 9: Remote Device ID  TYPE 16
        ReadOnly: False, Value: , SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 10: UI Class ID  TYPE 16
        ReadOnly: True, Value: {4DB1AD10-3391-11D2-9A33-00C04FA36145}, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 11: Hardware Configuration  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 0, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 12: BaudRate  TYPE 16
        ReadOnly: True, Value: , SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 13: STI Generic Capabilities  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 49, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 14: WIA Version  TYPE 16
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 2.0, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 15: Driver Version  TYPE 16
        ReadOnly: True, Value:, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 16: PnP ID String  TYPE 16
        ReadOnly: True, Value: \\?\usb#vid_03f0&pid_1705#5&707f7b2&0&2#{6bdd1fc6-810f-11d0-bec7-08002be2092f}, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 17: STI Driver Version  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 2, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 3074: Horizontal Bed Size  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 8500, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 3075: Vertical Bed Size  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 11700, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 3079: Horizontal Bed Registration  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 0, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 3080: Vertical Bed Registration  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 0, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 4102: Access Rights  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 3, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 3090: Horizontal Optical Resolution  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 2400, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 3091: Vertical Optical Resolution  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 2400, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 1026: Firmware Version  TYPE 16
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 0.067, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 3095: Max Scan Time  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 500000, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 3104: Minimum Horizontal Sheet Feed Size  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 3500, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 3105: Minimum Vertical Sheet Feed Size  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 5000, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 3076: Horizontal Sheet Feed Size  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 8500, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 3077: Vertical Sheet Feed Size  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 14000, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 3078: Sheet Feeder Registration  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 1, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 3086: Document Handling Capabilities  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 39, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 3088: Document Handling Select  TYPE 5
        Default value: 2
        ReadOnly: False, Value: 2, SubType: FlagSubType
    Property 3087: Document Handling Status  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 0, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 3103: Show preview control  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 0, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 3096: Pages  TYPE 5
        Default value: 1
        ReadOnly: False, Value: 1, SubType: RangeSubType
            Min 0, Max 50, Step 1
    Property 4098: Item Name  TYPE 16
        ReadOnly: True, Value: \Top, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 4099: Full Item Name  TYPE 16
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 0002\Root\Top, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 4101: Item Flags  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 67, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 4120: Color Profile Name  TYPE 16
    iCopy.exe Error: 0 : Couldn't read property 4120
    Property 6154: Brightness  TYPE 5
        Default value: 0
        ReadOnly: False, Value: 0, SubType: RangeSubType
            Min -1000, Max 1000, Step 1
    Property 6155: Contrast  TYPE 5
        Default value: 0
        ReadOnly: False, Value: 0, SubType: RangeSubType
            Min -1000, Max 1000, Step 1
    Property 71692: Private Highlight Level  TYPE 5
        Default value: 0
        ReadOnly: False, Value: 0, SubType: RangeSubType
            Min -100, Max 100, Step 1
    Property 71694: Private Midtone Level  TYPE 5
        Default value: 0
        ReadOnly: False, Value: 0, SubType: RangeSubType
            Min -100, Max 100, Step 1
    Property 71693: Private Shadow Level  TYPE 5
        Default value: 0
        ReadOnly: False, Value: 0, SubType: RangeSubType
            Min -100, Max 100, Step 1
    Property 71695: Private Gamma  TYPE 5
        Default value: 2200
        ReadOnly: False, Value: 2200, SubType: RangeSubType
            Min 0, Max 4000, Step 1
    Property 71699: Private Saturation  TYPE 5
        Default value: 1000
        ReadOnly: False, Value: 1000, SubType: RangeSubType
            Min 0, Max 1500, Step 1
    Property 71696: Private Hue X  TYPE 5
        Default value: 0
        ReadOnly: False, Value: 0, SubType: RangeSubType
            Min -100, Max 100, Step 1
    Property 71697: Private Hue Y  TYPE 5
        Default value: 0
        ReadOnly: False, Value: 0, SubType: RangeSubType
            Min -100, Max 100, Step 1
    Property 71698: Private Sharpen Level  TYPE 5
        Default value: 3
        ReadOnly: False, Value: 3, SubType: RangeSubType
            Min 0, Max 5, Step 1
    Property 6159: Threshold  TYPE 5
        Default value: 55
        ReadOnly: False, Value: 55, SubType: RangeSubType
            Min 0, Max 128, Step 1
    Property 6147: Horizontal Resolution  TYPE 5
        Default value: 100
        ReadOnly: False, Value: 100, SubType: ListSubType
    Property 6148: Vertical Resolution  TYPE 5
        Default value: 100
        ReadOnly: False, Value: 100, SubType: ListSubType
    Property 71687: Private Default Resolution  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 100, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 71688: Private Quality Resolution  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 200, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 6149: Horizontal Start Position  TYPE 5
        Default value: 0
        ReadOnly: False, Value: 0, SubType: RangeSubType
            Min 0, Max 840, Step 1
    Property 6150: Vertical Start Position  TYPE 5
        Default value: 0
        ReadOnly: False, Value: 0, SubType: RangeSubType
            Min 0, Max 1160, Step 1
    Property 6151: Horizontal Extent  TYPE 5
        Default value: 850
        ReadOnly: False, Value: 850, SubType: RangeSubType
            Min 10, Max 850, Step 1
    Property 6152: Vertical Extent  TYPE 5
        Default value: 1170
        ReadOnly: False, Value: 1170, SubType: RangeSubType
            Min 10, Max 1170, Step 1
    Property 4112: Pixels Per Line  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 850, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 4113: Bytes Per Line  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 2552, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 4114: Number of Lines  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 1170, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 4116: Item Size  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 2985880, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 4118: Minimum Buffer Size  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 262144, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 6146: Current Intent  TYPE 5
        Default value: 0
        ReadOnly: False, Value: 0, SubType: FlagSubType
    Property 4103: Data Type  TYPE 5
        Default value: 3
        ReadOnly: False, Value: 3, SubType: ListSubType
    Property 4104: Bits Per Pixel  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 24, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 4110: Bits Per Channel  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 8, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 4109: Channels Per Pixel  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 3, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 4111: Planar  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 0, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 4107: Compression  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 0, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 4108: Media Type  TYPE 5
        Default value: 128
        ReadOnly: False, Value: 128, SubType: ListSubType
    Property 4106: Format  TYPE 15
        ReadOnly: False, Value: {B96B3CAA-0728-11D3-9D7B-0000F81EF32E}, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 4105: Preferred Format  TYPE 15
        ReadOnly: True, Value: {B96B3CAA-0728-11D3-9D7B-0000F81EF32E}, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 4123: Filename extension  TYPE 16
        ReadOnly: True, Value: BMP, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 4102: Access Rights  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 3, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 6153: Photometric Interpretation  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 0, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 71686: Private Source Depth  TYPE 5
        Default value: 0
        ReadOnly: False, Value: 0, SubType: FlagSubType
    Property 71683: Private Preview  TYPE 5
        Default value: 0
        ReadOnly: False, Value: 0, SubType: ListSubType
    Property 71689: Private Exposure Method  TYPE 5
        Default value: 0
        ReadOnly: False, Value: 0, SubType: ListSubType
    Property 71722: Private Smoothing  TYPE 5
        Default value: 1
        ReadOnly: False, Value: 1, SubType: ListSubType
    Property 71723: Private Color Enhanced  TYPE 5
        Default value: 0
        ReadOnly: False, Value: 0, SubType: ListSubType
    Property 71685: Private TMA Method  TYPE 5
        Default value: 0
        ReadOnly: False, Value: 0, SubType: ListSubType
    Property 71701: Private Defaults  TYPE 102
        ReadOnly: True, Value: System.__ComObject, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 71702: 71702  TYPE 102
        ReadOnly: True, Value: System.__ComObject, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 71703: 71703  TYPE 102
        ReadOnly: True, Value: System.__ComObject, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 71704: 71704  TYPE 102
        ReadOnly: True, Value: System.__ComObject, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 71711: 71711  TYPE 102
        ReadOnly: True, Value: System.__ComObject, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 71712: 71712  TYPE 102
        ReadOnly: True, Value: System.__ComObject, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 71705: 71705  TYPE 102
        ReadOnly: True, Value: System.__ComObject, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 71706: 71706  TYPE 102
        ReadOnly: True, Value: System.__ComObject, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 71707: 71707  TYPE 102
        ReadOnly: True, Value: System.__ComObject, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 71708: 71708  TYPE 102
        ReadOnly: True, Value: System.__ComObject, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 71709: 71709  TYPE 102
        ReadOnly: True, Value: System.__ComObject, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 71710: 71710  TYPE 102
        ReadOnly: True, Value: System.__ComObject, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 71721: 71721  TYPE 5
        ReadOnly: True, Value: 0, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 71713: 71713  TYPE 102
        ReadOnly: True, Value: System.__ComObject, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 71714: 71714  TYPE 102
        ReadOnly: True, Value: System.__ComObject, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 71715: 71715  TYPE 102
        ReadOnly: True, Value: System.__ComObject, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 71716: 71716  TYPE 102
        ReadOnly: True, Value: System.__ComObject, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 71717: 71717  TYPE 102
        ReadOnly: True, Value: System.__ComObject, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 71718: 71718  TYPE 102
        ReadOnly: True, Value: System.__ComObject, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 71719: 71719  TYPE 102
        ReadOnly: True, Value: System.__ComObject, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
    Property 71720: Private Property  TYPE 102
        ReadOnly: True, Value: System.__ComObject, SubType: UnspecifiedSubType
Trying to establish connection with the Device {6BDD1FC6-810F-11D0-BEC7-08002BE2092F}\0002
Connection established with hp scanjet 5590. DeviceID: {6BDD1FC6-810F-11D0-BEC7-08002BE2092F}\0002
This scanner supports ADF
Trying to establish connection with the Device {6BDD1FC6-810F-11D0-BEC7-08002BE2092F}\0002
Connection established with hp scanjet 5590. DeviceID: {6BDD1FC6-810F-11D0-BEC7-08002BE2092F}\0002
This scanner supports ADF
Starting acquisition
        Bit Depth:  0
Brightness:     0
Contrast:   0
Resolution:     100
Intent:     ColorIntent
Quality:    100
Scaling:    100
Copies:     1
Preview:    False
UseADF:     False
Duplex:     False
Multipage:  False
Scan Output:    PDF
Path:   C:\Users\JKeens\Desktop\scans\20190917_Bescheinigung_CLotz-Keens.pdf
Center:     True
    Setting scan properties
    Brightness set to 0 -> 0
    Contrast set to 0 -> 0
    Intent set to ColorIntent
    Resolution set to 100
    Set Horizontal Extent to: 827
    Set Vertical Extent to: 1169
    Horizontal extent 827, Vertical extent 1169
    Image count 0. Acquiring next image
    Subitems count: 0
iCopy.exe Error: 0 : Exception caught.
iCopy.exe Error: 0 : System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Der Zugriff auf den Pfad "C:\Users\JKeens\AppData\Local\iCopy\iCopy.settings" wurde verweigert.

bei System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath)
bei System.IO.FileStream.Init(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, Int32 rights, Boolean useRights, FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, FileOptions options, SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAttrs, String msgPath, Boolean bFromProxy)
bei System.IO.FileStream..ctor(String path, FileMode mode, FileAccess access, FileShare share)
bei System.Xml.XmlTextWriter..ctor(String filename, Encoding encoding)
bei System.Xml.XmlDocument.Save(String filename)
bei iCopy.PortableSettingsProvider.SetPropertyValues(SettingsContext context, SettingsPropertyValueCollection propvals)
bei System.Configuration.SettingsBase.SaveCore()
bei System.Configuration.SettingsBase.Save()
bei System.Configuration.ApplicationSettingsBase.Save()
bei iCopy.appControl.Main(String[] sArgs)


  • Matteo Rossi

    Matteo Rossi - 2015-09-18

    Dear Johannes,
    thank you for this report. This must definitely be a problem of compatibility with Windows 10, given the wrong Windows version number.

    I haven't been able to update my Windows PC to Windows 10 yet so I can't try to reproduce your problem. I will report back as soon as I will be able to.

    In the meantime, please check if some compatibility mode is enabled for iCopy. Did you install iCopy on a fresh Windows 10 or did you upgrade from a previous version of Windows, with iCopy already installed?

    • Johannes Keens

      Johannes Keens - 2015-09-18

      Hi Matteo,

      I upgraded from Windows 7 with iCopy already installed. I was surprised to see the error message when closing iCopy, as the functionality works ok.

      Will take a closer look, if there are any “funnies” when using iCopy with Windows 10.

      Kind Regards



      Last edit: Matteo Rossi 2016-02-18

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