
#19 ./configure fails on FC5 install


With or with out any switch settings, config fails.
imlib 1.9.13 is installed and it does say imlib-config
is included.

[root@localhost icewm-1.2.26]# rpm -q -i imlib
Name : imlib Relocations:
(not relocatable)
Version : 1.9.13 Vendor:
Red Hat, Inc.
Release : 26.2.1 Build Date:
Sat 11 Feb 2006 11:53:55 PM CET
Install Date: Fri 07 Apr 2006 10:22:43 AM CEST
Build Host:
Group : System Environment/Libraries Source
RPM: imlib-1.9.13-26.2.1.src.rpm
Size : 767702 License:
Signature : DSA/SHA1, Mon 06 Mar 2006 09:15:27 PM
CET, Key ID b44269d04f2a6fd2
Packager : Red Hat, Inc.
Summary : An image loading and rendering library
for X11R6.
Description :
Imlib is a display depth independent image loading and
library. Imlib is designed to simplify and speed up the
process of
loading images and obtaining X Window System drawables.
provides many simple manipulation routines which can be
used for
common operations.

The imlib package also contains the imlib_config
program, which
you can use to configure the Imlib image loading and
library. Imlib_config can be used to control how Imlib
uses color and
handles gamma corrections, etc.

Install imlib if you need an image loading and
rendering library for
X11R6, or if you are installing GNOME.

config.log attached
Reply to: jedi_lovag[-at-]


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    config fail log

  • Eduard Bloch

    Eduard Bloch - 2006-07-02

    Logged In: YES

    Heh? Who says that imlib-config is installed? AFAICS the
    package description is:

    > Imlib is an advanced replacement library for libraries
    like libXpm that provides many more features with much
    greater flexability and speed.

    So... wtf?

    What you need is imlib-devel:

    The header files, static libraries and documentation needed for
    developing Imlib applications. Imlib is an image loading and
    rendering library for X11R6.

    Install the imlib-devel package if you want to develop Imlib
    applications. You will also need to install the imlib and
    imlib_cfgeditor packages.

  • Marius Feraru

    Marius Feraru - 2006-07-03

    Logged In: YES

    Heh, he confused "imlib_config" with "imlib-config". ;-)

    Resolution: Invalid.

  • Marko Macek

    Marko Macek - 2006-08-06
    • labels: 319566 -->
  • Bill Carter

    Bill Carter - 2006-09-01

    Logged In: YES

    I had the same problem with Fedora Core 5. It looks like a
    bug in the configure script but I didn't investigate enough
    to find it, there is a /usr/bin/imlib_config file. What did
    work for me was this;

    ./configure --without-imlib

  • Marius Feraru

    Marius Feraru - 2006-09-01

    Logged In: YES

    capstan, please pay some attention before claiming to have
    found "bugs" :(

    "imlib-config" is needed, NOT "imlib_config"!

    For your reference:

    - "imlib_config":
    "Imlib configuration editor"
    * provided by: imlib

    - "imlib-config":
    "Display Imlib and GDK-Imlib Library Configuration"
    * provided by "imlib-devel"

  • Bill Carter

    Bill Carter - 2006-09-02

    Logged In: YES

    Sorry, I didn't notice there were followups below the "add
    comment" box, heh. However I do suggest that you document
    the "imlib-config provided by imlib-devel" statement in your
    INSTALL file. Vanilla FC5 installations don't have
    imlib-devel and its not obvious that it would need to be
    obtained for icewm.

    1. Requirements

    - libxpm (comes with XFree86, but is
    commercial X servers -- like XSun)
    - Imlib (for wider image support) <<< put it here?

  • Marius Feraru

    Marius Feraru - 2006-09-04

    Logged In: YES

    "INSTALL" describes only generic requirements and general
    approach for installing IceWM.

    It doesn't handle any GNU/Linux distribution "way of doing
    things", and IMHO that's the way it should stay.

    OTOH, I would second you on documentation RFE, in this case
    an "INSTALL.fedora" file. Who will write it? :))

    Anyway, on the same other hand, folks could always use a
    prepackaged IceWM RPM. ;-)


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