
Asterisk is restricting the iaxmodem 2

  • Asif Javaid Chughtai

    sir Faxguy wrote:----

    you need "register 60" to keep Asterisk from complaining. But that's not why your calls                    are being rejected.
    What does the Asterisk CLI say when a call is being attempted?

    God Bless u sir,

    well sir, i make this entry "register 60" in the file iax.conf and iaxmodem configuration file tty8... are these the correct files for this entry ...  and still the messages on Asterisk CLI is this...

    Mar 12 12:23:08 NOTICE[3452]: chan_iax2.c:5762 update_registry: Restricting registration for peer 'iaxmodem1' to 60 seconds (requested 300)

    well sir whenever i make a call for fax the responce from Asterisk CLI is same as i posted last time which again written below:-

    Mar 12 12:18:05 NOTICE[3452]: chan_iax2.c:6882 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from, who was trying to reach '0092425787608@'

    and the responce from iaxmodem is as follows:-

    [2007-03-12 12:18:00] Hanging Up
    [2007-03-12 12:18:03] Taking receiver off-hook.
    [2007-03-12 12:18:05] Dialing '0092425787608'
    [2007-03-12 12:18:05] Rejected call.
    [2007-03-12 12:18:05] Hanging Up
    [2007-03-12 12:18:33] Registration completed successfully.

    and in iaxmodem configuration tty8 in /etc/iaxmodem/tty8

    i also make an entry of
    codec alaw or codec ulaw

    and in asterisk    in /etc/asterisk/iax.conf

    i also make an entry of

    context default

    many many thank you sir for your cooperation....

    hoping for the best reply as usuall.

    Asif Javaid Chughtai.

    • Lee Howard

      Lee Howard - 2007-03-12

      Did you restart iaxmodem after making the "register 60" change?

      This error message:

      Mar 12 12:18:05 NOTICE[3452]: chan_iax2.c:6882 socket_read: Rejected connect attempt from, who was trying to reach '0092425787608@'

      Tells us that there is no dialplan context for your iaxmodem.  What does your [iaxmodem1] context say in iax.conf?  And are you doing 'iax2 reload' from the CLI any time you make changes in iax.conf?

      (And can you tell me *WHY* we're having this conversation in duplicate?)


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