
#73 conflict with GTWVG definitions


A workaround to compile using GTWVG.
Add #ifndef on already exists defines.

1 Attachments


Bugs: #73


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  • José M. C. Quintas

    I'm not sure yet, but I see many possibilities.

    Think about this: Harbour default GTs are WVT for Windows and GTK for Linux.
    Look hbgt inside HWGUI samples, it changes the window and works over GT, in same way as GTWVG ( it uses Harbour WVT).

    Now, think about this:
    Harbour uses WVT, GTWVG uses WVT, HWGUI can use WVT (hbgt ) in same way.
    Harbour uses GTK, HWGUI uses GTK.
    GTWVG source code for Windows API is like HWGUI source code (not same names), and is part of Harbour. (do not compare with GTWVG on XHarbour).

    This can be a invitation to HWGUI becomes part of Harbour.

    My primary goal is to make HWGUI available to any user, to use with or without any other GT, not only GTWVG.
    What will happen after this, I do not know.
    The only thing I know is that first step is the mix possibility, and I will use the mix, because today I use GTWVG only.

  • Wilfried Brunken

    Hello José,
    i followed your GITHUB mirror on GITHUB.
    Please be shure, that all commits of HWGUI are
    copied to it. Thanks !
    (I have some more tasks and bugs in my working queue).

    It seems a good idea, to integrate HWGUI into Harbour.
    But this must be decided by the creator of HWGUI,
    Alexander Kresin, but he seems to be absent at this time.
    A migration of HWGUI to GITHUB is also a suggestion of
    one of the project admins.
    But i will support you for synchronizing the code
    of HWGUI and your mirror.
    I'll check the new code and commit it for you,
    i am retired and can spend some time for support.
    Please send me your modifications
    by eMail. At first, send me a test mail via the Sourceforge mail
    account and i will respond.

    In the last post
    of the
    following error is not corrected:

    at about line 1616:

    ifdef HBWINCH

    ==> #ifndef HBWINCH

    I committed with r2926.

    Here my opinion's on the other discussion items:

    • LINUX: If you have an old computer (up to 10 years old) and
      you do not use him any more:
      Try to install LINUXMint, is very small and
      programs are executed fast. The installation and
      usage of modern LINUX distribution is, at my opinion,
      today such easy as Windows.
      The file install.txt contents information to install additional
      packages for development.
      But in future i can check the modified code for you on LINUX i have done in the past.
      Another main problem of HWGUI is solved by the
      class WINPRN: driving a GDI printer (grafical) on LINUX and Windows,
      so it is a good feature to add it to Harbour.

    • UTF-8:
      With Harbour (also as Console app) and HWGUI it is not a problem
      to use UTF-8 on LINUX and CP1252 (with Euro currency sign €) on Windows
      it is no problem, look at my app CLLOG:
      (logw.prg is the HWGUI main, log.prg for console or terminal):
      Dependant on the return value of hwg__isUnicode().
      it is no problem, to switch between different codings.
      My solution
      for every special character outside ASCII i created
      a PUBLIC variable:

    • Ä Ö Ü ä ö ü ß €
      And initialized them at program start,
      for CP1252 i use the CHR() function.
      An example for usage:
      MENU TITLE "&Ortsverb" + CAKUML + "nde"
      ==> "Ortsverbände"

    • Line endings:
      The Harbour and hbmk2 utility supports Windows/DOS and LINUX/UNIX line
      endings. The Subversion property "svn:EOL-STYLE CRLF" makes a file
      mandatory ready for Windows use like for example *.bat files, so
      no problem.
      If no EOL-STYLE is set, the line ending depends on the recent OS.

    • Notepad++ is my favourite Editor. An XML file for
      syntax highlightning of Harbour code is available on my
      project site of CLLOG on Sourceforge in the "Files" section,
      folder "Notepad++".
      Supports UTF-8 and line endings for Windows/DOS, MacOS and LINUX/UNIX.

    With regards,
    MNI TNX, 73 es 55 de
    DF7BE, Wilfried

  • José M. C. Quintas

    Hi all., yesterday I discovered this:
    A single way to fork from source-forge into github:
    caution: on first use, to download all history, may be it's needed 1 hour.
    For those with write access, can update to/from any.
    To me, I can update my hwgui fork from source-forge.

    • Maurizio la Cecilia

      Hi José,
      GitHub also offers easy migration from SVN, being needed only a committers
      list to import all the history of changes.
      I already done that and it worked flawlessly in few minutes, not in hours.
      As I said many times, Alexander Kresin wasn't happy about this migration,
      thus I used the forked repository only for my personal development.
      If Kresin would agree, the migration could be done directly in the same
      Sourceforge HwGUI space.
      Best regards.

      Il ven 8 gen 2021, 14:24 "José M. C. Quintas" ha scritto:

      Hi all., yesterday I discovered this:
      A single way to fork from source-forge into github:
      caution: on first use, to download all history, may be it's needed 1 hour.
      For those with write access, can update to/from any.
      To me, I can update my hwgui fork from source-forge.

      Status: open
      Group: v1.0_(example)
      Created: Sun Dec 13, 2020 05:11 PM UTC by José M. C. Quintas
      Last Updated: Wed Jan 06, 2021 12:47 PM UTC
      Owner: nobody

      A workaround to compile using GTWVG.
      Add #ifndef on already exists defines.

      Sent from because you indicated interest in

      To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit



      Bugs: #73

  • Wilfried Brunken

    Hello José, Hello Maurizio,
    i followed your discussion for this ticket and so i searched
    for HWGUI mirrors on GITHUB and i found this here:


    HWGUI 2.17 - fork for personal use

    hernad/harbour_hwgui Archived
    Updated on 3 Nov 2014

    Only the mirror of José is up to date.
    The other seemed to be personal use copies.

    For my actions:
    I hope, that i can continue my work as usual committing my modifications
    into Sourceforge SVN. There are a lot of tasks in my working queue.

    I agree with Maurizio, that Alexander should decide the migration to GITHUB.
    Until this, the most tickets must be closed and a new release should be
    published than.

    Maurizio: Have you seen, that i updated the list with tickets to close?
    Bugs: 12, 74, 72 ,36 ,40
    Support request: 27

    With regards,
    MNI TNX, 73 es 55 de
    DF7BE, Wilfried

    • Maurizio la Cecilia

      Hi Wilfried,
      I'd close the wanted.
      Best regards.

      Il 10/01/2021 16:53, Wilfried Brunken ha scritto:

      Hello José, Hello Maurizio,
      i followed your discussion for this ticket and so i searched
      for HWGUI mirrors on GITHUB and i found this here:


      HWGUI 2.17 - fork for personal use

      hernad/harbour_hwgui Archived
      Updated on 3 Nov 2014

      Only the mirror of José is up to date.
      The other seemed to be personal use copies.

      For my actions:
      I hope, that i can continue my work as usual committing my modifications
      into Sourceforge SVN. There are a lot of tasks in my working queue.

      I agree with Maurizio, that Alexander should decide the migration to
      Until this, the most tickets must be closed and a new release should be
      published than.

      Maurizio: Have you seen, that i updated the list with tickets to close?
      Bugs: 12, 74, 72 ,36 ,40
      Support request: 27

      With regards,
      MNI TNX, 73 es 55 de
      DF7BE, Wilfried

      [bugs:#73] conflict with
      GTWVG definitions

      Status: open
      Group: v1.0_(example)
      Created: Sun Dec 13, 2020 05:11 PM UTC by José M. C. Quintas
      Last Updated: Fri Jan 08, 2021 01:24 PM UTC
      Owner: nobody

      A workaround to compile using GTWVG.
      Add #ifndef on already exists defines.

      Sent from because you indicated interest in

      To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit



      Bugs: #73

  • José M. C. Quintas

    Seems that now I can update github fork from source-forge. Will alert about to be a test only, not official one. And now, github can build all, this is a good validation !!!

  • José M. C. Quintas

    only to update:
    create the account on github.
    git clone githubname c:\hwgui
    git clone svn sourceforgename c:\hwgui
    for updates: git svn fetch
    if have acess to source-forge, update source-forge using: git svn push
    and the normal use of github, git pull, git push
    it is github and source-forge at same time, receiving updates from source-forge.
    And because of limited account, saves only trunk history on github.
    It is ok.
    I lost time to setup github workflows, to compile library and samples on windows.
    I will try setup to test changes on Ubuntu.

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