
Looks good

  • Daniel Hodges

    Daniel Hodges - 2009-04-30

    Well I just downloaded and tried out the 0.6.0 version and just thought I'd say it looks good :). I really liked the changing of the time of day, it looks good with the weather system. The GUI also looks good so far, I liked the fade in from the main menu to the actual game.

    Well I hoped this has encouraged you a bit.


    • Colt 45 J

      Colt 45 J - 2009-05-04

      Agreed, it looks wonderful, if you need basic coding help I'm willing to pitch a bit in (I'm a JAVA native.. learning C++ right now so not much help other than dialogue and the like), plus I'm good with stories if you'd like help with quests or whatnot... This looks like it has promise.. though I do hope you remap the keys to wasd for controls, and slow down the movement speed... I'll keep a watch on this ;)

    • Engel A. Sanchez

      Wow, I wasn't even checking these forums and did not get notified that somebody had started a thread. I happened to look at the project activity and saw the postings there.  I just didn't expect anybody to find this little project yet. Thank you guys for your comments! Version 0.7.0 is out with dummy wolves and mini-map.  I'm killing myself to make some progress on this and keep on learning the cool art of video game programming.  The fact that somebody out there has a positive thing to say about my little effort means a lot to me :).

      WASD keys and slower speed? You got it!

      colt45j: If the game keeps evolving it will eventually use scripting languages for control of the creatures in the game world.  So even if right now it's all hard-core C++ to get the foundation going, hopefully it will be easier for other people to contribute then.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      As one developer to another: Never give up.
      People do see your game's development, whether you know it or not.

      • Engel A. Sanchez

        That comment is very much appreciated. At this moment I still have plenty of energy to pursue my dream of becoming a professional game developer and help create a great open source game.  Hopefully time and circumstances won't ruin that :)


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