ogruendl - 2005-09-26

I have programmed a site with an outer loop, an inner loop and an inner inner loop. global_vars and loop_context_vars were on.

I was wondering about the time the output of this site lasts: 14 seconds ! After this I turned gobal_vars and loop_context_vars off and was wondering again: the output was processed after 1.5 seconds.

I wrote an simplified Example (see below) and got the following results on my system:
global_vars=1, loop_context_vars=1: 2.4 seconds
global_vars=1, loop_context_vars=0: 5.7 seconds
global_vars=0, loop_context_vars=1: 5.7 seconds
global_vars=1, loop_context_vars=1: 13.0 seconds !!!

So here is my question: Is this behavior normal ?

Example: Please toggle the values of global_vars and loop_context_vars to see the difference.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use HTML::Template;
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday);

my $inner_loop;
for(my $i=0; $i<500; $i++) {
    my $inner_inner_loop;
    for(my $dat=1; $dat<=12; $dat++) {
        push(@$inner_inner_loop, {'data' => $dat});
    push(@$inner_loop, { 'inner_inner_loop' => $inner_inner_loop });

my $outer_loop;
push(@$outer_loop, {'inner_loop' => $inner_loop});

my $tmpl = HTML::Template->new(filename=>'html_tmpl.tmpl', global_vars=>1, loop_context_vars=>0);
$tmpl->param('outer_loop' => $outer_loop);

my $t0 = gettimeofday;
my $output = $tmpl->output();
my $t1 = gettimeofday;
print $t1-$t0;

<tmpl_loop name="outer_loop">
  <tmpl_loop name="inner_loop">
    <tmpl_loop name="inner_inner_loop">
      <tmpl_var name="data">