
#15 Transfer tool didn't carry the identity column across


I dumped and reloaded a database today. One table has
an identity column and it just entered the dump file as a
normal integer as the primary key.

After realizing what happend I was able to replicate it ok.

Version is 1.7.1 running under XP.


  • Fred Toussi

    Fred Toussi - 2004-03-30
    • labels: 325100 -->
    • milestone: 116104 -->
  • Fred Toussi

    Fred Toussi - 2004-03-30

    Logged In: YES

    This is a known issue and will hopefully be improved when
    the Transfer tool is next updated.

    You can add your other suggestions related Transfer Tool to
    this tracking item. This item will now move to the HSQLDB
    Utilities tracker.

  • Iain Sinclair

    Iain Sinclair - 2004-03-30

    Logged In: YES

    Observations as requested.

    1. The transfer tool works pretty well, and even handled the
    multibyte japanese text in my db without a hitch (I never
    take that forgranted). Also it's error reporting was generally
    informative and useful for data errors, thogh an error on a
    create table was a little less informative.

    2. The transfer tool could use an option for including
    all/exclude all tomake it easier to get what you want out of a
    long list of tables.

    3. When loading, it ignored the fact that I de-selected tables
    and loaded them anyway. I didn't try it on export.

    4. My db isn't so big so I was able to fit it all in my editor, but
    that may not lways be the case, so it would be good to have
    more control over dump files (maybe dumping each file to a
    seperate file would be good)

    5. I havn't tried the transfer tool on any other dbs, but if it is
    able to smoothly transfer between different kinds of db, that
    would be a VERY nice bonus. Such a tool could almost be a
    seperate project. Maybe there are other open source
    products to do that, but I havn't seen them yet.

    6. Dumping was very fast, but loading was a little on the slow
    side. Could just be this dog of a pc tho...


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