
#89 Use with Beanshell

Binh Pham

I wonder if you've ever considered providing hooks
to connect with beanshell ( I
am thinking of writing
stored procedures or scripts in beanshell.



  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2003-03-21

    Logged In: YES

    Yes. It works. And very well, I might add.

    I did the initial work on this about 6 months ago. I
    think I might have posted on this on either the open
    discussion or developers list, but then again, maybe
    onlyto Fred? Its bean (heh) a while.

    Notable things to look out for (as is always with
    HSQLDB), are any type of code that runs off the the
    connection object injected into the beanshell
    namespace and then tries to do something reentrant
    under multiple threads. This can spell deadlock for

    The really nice thing about BeanShell is that you can
    write your own "functions" and even classes, sortof (a
    bit like JavaScript, as opposed to Java), and all of this is
    persisted from one call to the next, as long as you keep
    the namespace container hanging around. This is not
    too, too difficult to do, just by injecting a differnt
    connection (the Session's intenal connection object)
    into a static instance at each call.

    I had it set up a bit like:

    Object Library.eval(Connection conn, String s) throws
    SQLException {

    if the static beanshell interpreter is null, create it, else
    use it.

    put conn into the top namespace (replaces the previous
    one, if it was there)

    try {
    evaluate your String, s, getting an Object result (which,
    with the latest patches, gets automatically converted to
    a Result if the Object is a Result or jdbcResultSet)
    } catch( e ) {
    wrap if requried in sql excpetion and rethrow


    This works just fine. The only problem is that each
    session sees the same code. I think its dangerous to let
    beanshell hang on to a set of session or connection
    references. So, to get this working really nicely, each
    session would instead reference a beanshell instance.
    However, this is heavyweight and not very general. it
    would be nicer to standardize an interface for Sessions's
    instantialing modules of any kind and being able to
    refences/user them. Also, it might be nice to
    implement this through a more general scripting
    interface so that other scrupting languages are suported
    as well. This will take time, as there are so many other
    things to do.


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2003-03-21

    Logged In: YES

    OK. I found the mail I sent, dated 16 November, 2002:


    I was just playing around with the beanshell interpreter
    for a few minutes and thought I would try to add a
    method org.hsqldb.Library.eval(Connection conn, String

    After a few dumb bugs (we weren't setting internal
    connection's properties, so NPE there...I was not doing
    casting properly in Parser.processCall(), so class cast
    exceptions there), I got it working, and it works great!

    Check this out:

    Added to org.hsqldb.Library:

    // SYSTEM

    private static bsh.Interpreter interpreter;

    static {

    interpreter = new bsh.Interpreter();

    Library.class.getClassLoader() );
    try {
    interpreter.eval("import java.sql.*;");
    interpreter.eval("Connection conn;");
    } catch (Exception e) {}


    public static Object eval(Connection conn, String
    throws SQLException {
    Object result;
    try {
    interpreter.setVariable("conn", conn);
    result = interpreter.eval(stmnt);
    } catch (Exception e) {
    result = e.getMessage();
    return result;

    Changed in Parser.processCall:

    Result processCall() throws SQLException {

    Expression e = parseExpression();


    int type = e.getDataType();
    Object o = e.getValue();

    if (o instanceof jdbcResultSet) {
    return ((jdbcResultSet) o).getResult();

    if (o instanceof Result) {
    return (Result) o;

    Result r = new Result(1);

    r.sTable[0] = "";
    r.colType[0] = type;
    r.sLabel[0] = "";
    r.sName[0] = "";

    Object row[] = new Object[1];

    row[0] = o;


    return r;


    Changed in jdbcConnection constructor:

    jdbcConnection(Session c) throws SQLException {

    Trace.doAssert(c != null, "The specified Session is

    iType = INTERNAL;
    cSession = c;
    dDatabase = c.getDatabase();

    // need non-null properties for constructing
    ResultSet objects
    connProperties = dDatabase.getProperties();

    sDatabaseName = dDatabase.getName();

    So, here is the kind of thing one can do:

    call "org.hsqldb.Library.eval"('

    String query = "select table_name from system_tables
    where table_name like ?";
    PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement

    myFunc(String s) {
    return ps.executeQuery();

    return myFunc("SYSTEM_T%");



    6 rows retreived
    retrieve time: 20.5 (+/- 0.5) ms
    display time : 10.5 (+/- 0.5) ms
    total : 31 (+/- 1.0) ms

    Now, this does not do too much good if the only way to
    do this is through a simple, single bsh.Interpreter.
    _But_ if set up properly (i.e. each session gets its own
    beanshell name space), then things get quite exciting.
    Even with the way I have things set up, the tip of the
    iceberg shows:

    call "org.hsqldb.Library.eval"('

    String query = "select table_name from system_tables
    where table_name like ?";
    PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement

    myFunc(String s) {
    return ps.executeQuery();


    call "org.hsqldb.Library.eval"('myFunc("SYSTEM_T%");');


    6 rows retreived
    retrieve time: 0.5 (+/- 0.5) ms
    display time : 10.5 (+/- 0.5) ms
    total : 11 (+/- 1.0) ms

    call "org.hsqldb.Library.eval"('myFunc("SYSTEM_B%");');


    2 rows retreived
    retrieve time: 0.5 (+/- 0.5) ms
    display time : 10.5 (+/- 0.5) ms
    total : 11 (+/- 1.0) ms

    So, one can define variables and functions in some
    calls, and these are *remembered* in later calls.

    To me, this could be really powerful for the precompiled
    cursor stuff, as the worry over local v.s. remote goes
    away. The big issue is the call overhead, but as shown
    above, there is very little, comparitively speaking.

    It would be simple to make the beanshell interpreter
    instantiation reflective (so that the bsh.jar is optional)
    and it would probabably be very simple to make stuff
    defined in the beanshell interpreter persistent (create a
    library method that inserts the successfully interpreted
    java into a persistent system table or scripts it directly
    to the log under the appropriate circumstances).

    Also, since beanshell provides reflection on methods
    defined in a beanshell namespace, it would be quite
    simple to extend org.hsqldb.Function to resolve
    beanshell methods (like myFunc, above), meaning that
    we could allow dynamic creation of SQL
    functions/procedure that would work seamlessly within
    the SQL environment (i.e. without having to wrap things
    in a call to "org.hsqldb.Library.eval"(...); or some such

    Anyway, this was just a little diversion but I thought it
    was quite cool. A really interesting twist is the
    possibility of declaring SQLJ source, compiling live it to
    Java source and then interpreting it via beanshell.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2003-03-21
    • assigned_to: nobody --> boucherb
  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2003-08-28

    Logged In: YES

    Set low until work begins on really integrating Hiep's
    embedded language patches properly.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2003-08-28
    • priority: 5 --> 1

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