
NuppPointerException org.hsqldb.Scanner.reset(java.lang.String) line: 227 (sql is null)

  • Alain Pannetier

    Alain Pannetier - 2016-05-23

    org.hsqldb.Scanner.reset(java.lang.String) line: 227
    org.hsqldb.Scanner.reset(org.hsqldb.Session, java.lang.String) line: 214
    org.hsqldb.ParserDQL(org.hsqldb.ParserBase).reset(org.hsqldb.Session, java.lang.String) line: 106
    org.hsqldb.ParserDQL.reset(org.hsqldb.Session, java.lang.String) line: 99
    org.hsqldb.TableDerived.newDerivedTable(org.hsqldb.Session) line: 157
    org.hsqldb.ParserCommand(org.hsqldb.ParserDQL).readNamedSubqueryOrNull() line: 1911
    org.hsqldb.ParserCommand(org.hsqldb.ParserDQL).readTableOrSubquery() line: 1983

    Ran into that one during a

    PreparedStatment ps = = jdbcConnection.prepareStatement ( query );

    • My query is not null of course and moderately complex. It's a recursive query though.
    • The "with recursive" part works very well in a different query.
    • I'm investigating but lack familiarity with hsqldb (just a few days).
    • The access is in server mode, the version is 2.3.4.
    • Same pb in 2.3.1.
    • DatabaseManagerSwing raises same NPE.
    • Looks like a subquery is lost although I can see it still under debug in NamedSubQueries

    Complete stack trace/script available on demand :)

    I reduced the query that generates the NPE to

    with recursive offer_tree (lvl, parent, child) as (
    select 0, null, itemrelationtarget
    from cwpc_itemrelation_v r
    join cwpc_item i on i.itemcode = r.itemcode
    where itemrelationtarget = 'STUFF'
    select lvl+1, itemcode as parent, itemrelationtarget as child
    from cwpc_itemrelation_v p
    join offer_tree c on p.itemcode = c.child
    cwpc_itemattribute_v a
    a.itemcode in (
    select distinct child from offer_tree

    It seems the issue is with the introduction of an implicit join between the table resulting from the recursive CTE and the select.

    So I tried
    with recursive offer_tree (lvl, parent, child) as (
    select 0, null, itemrelationtarget
    from cwpc_itemrelation_v r
    join cwpc_item i on i.itemcode = r.itemcode
    where itemrelationtarget = 'PO_KD38_PROMOTION'
    select lvl+1, itemcode as parent, itemrelationtarget as child
    from cwpc_itemrelation_v p
    join offer_tree c on p.itemcode = c.child
    cwpc_itemattribute_v a,
    offer_tree b
    a.itemcode = b.child ;

    And that works perfectly.....

  • Fred Toussi

    Fred Toussi - 2016-05-23

    I should be able to fix this if you send me minimal table definitions with one or two rows of sample data to check the query. You can send direct via email. Your modified query is better as the IN (SELECT ...) part is usually turned into a join by the engine.


    Last edit: Fred Toussi 2016-05-23
    • Alain Pannetier

      Alain Pannetier - 2016-05-23

      Hi Fred, Merci :)

      I'll do that right away.

      Your modified query is better as the IN (SELECT ...) part is usually turned into a join by the engine.

      But it yields twice as many rows because some of the nodes (leaf nodes I guess) appear several times.

  • Alain Pannetier

    Alain Pannetier - 2016-06-13

    Confirmed as fixed starting with r5642.


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