
#1 uitab and uitabgroup warnings


System: 64 bit Red Het Enterprise Linux 6.2 (kernel 2.6.32)
MATLAB Version 2011b x86_64 with signal processing and wavelet toolboxes
HRVAS v1.0.0

When I start the \"main\" program, I get a series of warnings about features that will be obselete in upcoming MATLAB releases (see attached screenshot). The suggested link to remedy this is:

Despite the warnings, the gui appears to work fine with some of the sample data.


  • Vincent A. Emanuele II

    HRVAS warnings screenshot

  • John  Ramshur

    John Ramshur - 2012-01-10

    I'm aware of the warnings. If I recall correctly, I tried Mathwork's recommended solution, but it caused other errors. For the time being, you can just turn off the warning by using "warnings off" in the command window. I'll try to revisit this issue, and see if that has been an updated solution.

  • Ralph Snodgrass

    Ralph Snodgrass - 2014-01-10

    John, any update on this issue? I've recently got Mathworks R2013b and HRVAS hangs with the errors above even if I turn the warnings off. Also now the freestanding version of HRVAS, which was working, now does not work. It just terminates and the windows close. Perhaps the version of the compiler is in compatible with this version of Mathworks.(?)


    Last edit: Ralph Snodgrass 2014-01-10

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