
Hotshots window appears faintly in screen capture

Bill P.
  • Bill P.

    Bill P. - 2014-01-25

    Running openSUSE x64, KDE 11.12 - guessing its a compositing issue as disabling compositing and the image of the Hotshots window no longer shows. It's like the HS window is supposed to turn transparent but it doesn't completely.

    obviously if I don't open the app and access it from the tray theres no issue

  • xbee

    xbee - 2014-01-26

    Strange effect ? Perhaps the screenshot timer is a bit "short" when the main window is hidden, have you try with a "snapshot delay" of 1 ou 2 seconds ?


    Last edit: xbee 2014-01-26
  • Bill P.

    Bill P. - 2014-01-27

    thanks for the quick reply

    changing delay to one resolves the problem


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