This will explain how to install YFi and FreeRadius? on CentOS 6. You will notice that it's much the same as the previous tutorial as not much has changed, but there are a few minor kinks. In my example I have installed everything on a 64bit machine. I don't think there is much difference in setup on a 32bit machine.
I always start off by checking my system is up to date, so lets do that first:
yum update
yum groupinstall 'Web Server' yum groupinstall 'MySQL Database server' yum groupinstall 'Development Tools'
This services needs to be activated as start-up services. We will use chkconfig to activate them.
chkconfig httpd on chkconfig mysqld on service httpd start service mysqld start
You also should add a password to MySQL's root user.
mysqladmin -u root password "great_secret"
yum install ImageMagick php-mysql
YFi Hotspot Manager makes use of json functions available in version 5.2x of PHP.
yum install php-devel php-pear php-common
Just a side note. The previous Centos how to refers to installing json with "pecl install json", I noticed this did not work on Centos 6. I've done three Centos 6 (2x 64bit and 1x 32bit) installs and on the one doing the above was sufficient. If that doesn't work for you, do:
yum install
Make sure will load:
cat /etc/php.d/json.ini
If it's empty, do the following, else skip it
echo "" >> json.ini
and then restart apache
service httpd restart
As of this writing, YFi only supports CakePHP verson 1.2.X, so don't go and install the latest version just yet ;) Get CakePHP Copy and extract it inside the directory that Apache is serving its content from (/var/www/html by default on CentOS)
cp cake_1.2.5.tar.gz /var/www/html cd /var/www/html tar -xzvf cake_1.2.5.tar.gz ln -s ./cake_1.2.5 ./c2
Ensure the following modules are enabled in Apache (the /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf file)
LoadModule rewrite_module modules/ LoadModule deflate_module modules/ LoadModule headers_module modules/
You can do a quick check by doing:
egrep "mod_rewrite|mod_deflate|mod_headers" /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
If one or all of them are missing (highly doubtful about it), then add them in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf.
Ensure the following is specified in /etc/php.ini
allow_call_time_pass_reference = On output_buffering = 4096 short_open_tag = On date.timezone = Africa/Johannesburg ;; Change this to your timezone
Change Apache's configuration file to include the following at the end of the file: (/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf)
## -- YFi begin <Directory /var/www/html/c2> AllowOverride All </Directory> #-------COMPRESS CONTENT----------- # place filter 'DEFLATE' on all outgoing content SetOutputFilter DEFLATE # exclude uncompressible content via file type SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI \.(?:exe|t?gz|jpg|png|pdf|zip|bz2|sit|rar)$ no-gzip #dont-vary # Keep a log of compression ratio on each request DeflateFilterNote Input instream DeflateFilterNote Output outstream DeflateFilterNote Ratio ratio LogFormat '"%r" %{outstream}n/%{instream}n (%{ratio}n%%)' deflate CustomLog /var/log/httpd/deflate.log deflate # Properly handle old browsers that do not support compression BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4 gzip-only-text/html BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4\.0[678] no-gzip BrowserMatch \bMSIE !no-gzip !gzip-only-text/html #---------------------------------- #------ADD EXPIRY DATE------------- <FilesMatch "\.(ico|pdf|flv|jpg|jpeg|png|gif|js|css|swf)$"> Header set Expires "Thu, 15 Apr 2012 20:00:00 GMT" </FilesMatch> #---------------------------------- #--------Remove ETags -------------------- FileETag none #----------------------------------------- ## -- YFi end
Restart Apache
service httpd restart
Download the latest version of the YFi Cake application.
If you want to try the latest development source, follow this instructions: SVN Quick Help
mv yfi_cake/ /var/www/html/c2/ mv yfi/ /var/www/html/ chown -R apache. /var/www/html/c2/yfi_cake/tmp chown -R apache. /var/www/html/c2/yfi_cake/webroot/img/graphics
NOTE! Somewhere along the line I noticed in my apache error log that yfi wants /var/www/c2 to exists. Even with all the ubuntu-to-centos scripts applied. I haven't spent time figuring out what it is, so I just did the following to keep it happy:
ln -s /var/www/html/c2 /var/www/c2
You need to create a database called 'yfi' and allow access to it for a username / password combination.
It is good practice to change the default username / password combination.
This can be changed inside the '/var/www/html/c2/yfi_cake/config/database.php' file.
These sample commands assume the defaults.
mysql -u root -p create database yfi; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON yfi.* to 'yfi'@'' IDENTIFIED BY 'yfi'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON yfi.* to 'yfi'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'yfi'; exit;
Dump the sample database in the newly created yfi database.
mysql -u root -p yfi < /var/www/html/c2/yfi_cake/setup/db/yfi.sql
Verify that everything works as intended by doing the following test.
Go to the followingURL and be sure that a login-page is displayed.
Some settings may need further tweaking especially if you deviated from the standard.
They are all in one configuration file called (/var/www/html/c2/yfi_cake/config/yfi.php)
You also need to specify the SMTP server's detail.
This can be used to notify users about their usage via e-mail. YFi Hotspot Manager also features a message sending facility to inform permanent users about something.
YFi Hotspot Manager consists of two components: A CakePHP application and a Viewer.
This following will help you to install the Viewer.
Ensure you already have a working CakePHP setup. Instructions on how to complete it is on thie page: Configure CakePHP
We already moved the yfi folder to the proper place in one of our previous steps, so lets test it...
Go to the following URL (you may need to replace with the IP address of the server you installed the YFi Hotspot Manager on)
You should get a splash page which, depending on the speed of your network connection, will change into a login page.
Log in either as the administrator or as an Access Provider or as a permanent user.
The following table displays the default username and password for each.
Access Provider
Permanent User
Should you have difficulty with the Viewer component please use Mozilla Firefox and the Firebug plug-in to make easy troubleshooting possible.
FreeRADIUS is the world's most popular RADIUS server. It features various back-ends. Some include LDAP and SQL.
FreeRADIUS is in version 2.x as of this writing.
YFi Hotspot Manager is a front-end to the MySQL database used by FreeRADIUS.
FreeRADIUS has a feature to use custom modules. We use a custom Perl module specifically written for the YFi Hotspot Manager.
FreeRADIUS supply Authentication, Authorization and Accounting services. The Perl module does the Authentication and Authorization.
The Accounting is done by the SQL module.
You can install freeradius2 with proper components with yum
yum install freeradius2*
If for some reason you don`t want to use yum package proceed with compilation
First we get some prerequisits:
yum install libtool-ltdl-devel mysql-devel perl-XML-Simple perl-XML-LibXML perl-suidperl perl-libxml-perl yum install gdbm-devel pam-devel net-snmp-devel net-snmp-utils readline-devel libpcap-devel openldap-devel python-devel postgresql-devel unixODBC-devel perl-ExtUtils-Embed
Get the latest version of FreeRadius? from
In my example it is version 2.1.12
Unpack the file and:
cd freeradius-server-2.1.12/ ./configure | tee config_out.txt make make install ldconfig useradd -r radiusd chown -R radiusd. /usr/local/etc/raddb/ ln -s /usr/local/etc/raddb /etc/raddb
You can test to see if Free Radius works by issuing the following command:
radiusd -X
This will start Free Radius in debug mode ( To stop it -> Ctrl+c).
The following commands will set-up FreeRADIUS to work together with YFi Hotspot Manager.
cd /usr/local/etc/ mv raddb/ raddb.orig cp /var/www/html/c2/yfi_cake/setup/radius/raddb.tar.gz . tar -xzvf raddb.tar.gz chown -R radiusd. raddb chown radiusd.apache raddb/proxy.conf chmod 664 raddb/proxy.conf chmod 644 raddb/dictionary ldconfig
Because the original YFi Hostpot Manager was designed on Ubuntu - we also need to do the following changes:
Use the paths specified in raddb.orig/radiusd.conf
cp raddb.orig/radiusd.conf raddb/
Edit the 'new' (original) raddb/radiusd.conf file by un-commenting the following line:
$INCLUDE sql.conf
Create a bash script ('/root/ with the following content:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 | #!/bin/bash #------------------------------------------- #---- Script to change Ubuntu specifics ---- #---- to CentOS specifics ------------------ #------------------------------------------- function usr_local_etc_to_etc(){ echo "Change /usr/local/etc to /etc for" $1 sed 's|/usr/local/etc|/etc|g' $1 > $1.tmp;mv $1.tmp $1; } function usr_local_share_to_usr_share(){ echo "Change /usr/local/share to /usr/share for" $1 sed 's|/usr/local/share|/usr/share|g' $1 > $1.tmp;mv $1.tmp $1; } function var_www_c2_to_var_www_html_c2(){ echo "Change /var/www/c2 to /var/www/html for" $1 sed 's|/var/www/c2|/var/www/html/c2|g' $1 > $1.tmp;mv $1.tmp $1; } function radclient_fix(){ echo "Change /usr/local/bin/radclient to /usr/bin/radclient for" $1 sed 's|/usr/local/bin/radclient|/usr/bin/radclient|g' $1 > $1.tmp;mv $1.tmp $1; } file_list[0]="/var/www/html/c2/yfi_cake/config/yfi.php" file_list[1]="/etc/raddb/rlm_perl_modules/conf/settings.conf" file_list[2]="/etc/raddb/rlm_perl_modules/" file_list[3]="/etc/raddb/rlm_perl_modules/" file_list[4]="/etc/raddb/rlm_perl_modules/sqlcounter.conf" file_list[5]="/etc/raddb/rlm_perl_modules/" file_list[6]="/etc/raddb/rlm_perl_modules/" file_list[7]="/etc/raddb/rlm_perl_modules/" file_list[8]="/etc/raddb/rlm_perl_modules/" file_list[9]="/etc/raddb/rlm_perl_modules/" file_list[10]="/etc/raddb/rlm_perl_modules/" file_list[11]="/etc/raddb/dictionary" file_list[12]="/var/www/html/c2/yfi_cake/webroot/files/" for i in ${file_list[@]} do usr_local_etc_to_etc $i usr_local_share_to_usr_share $i var_www_c2_to_var_www_html_c2 $i radclient_fix $i done |
Run the above script to fix all the paths in various files for CentOS. (You can run it multiple times without harm)
chmod +x /root/ /root/
FreeRADIUS includes various dictionaries from different vendors.
These dictionaries defines attributes for the vendor's NAS devices.
Dictionaries can be included or excluded by editing the /usr/local/share/freeradius/dictionary file.
The latest version of FreeRADIUS all ready includes the chillispot dictionary by default.
YFi Hotspot Manager defines special Voucher attributes. To enable these, add the following to the /usr/local/share/freeradius/dictionary.chillispot file. (YFi Specific Attributes and YFi Various Counters)
ATTRIBUTE ChilliSpot-Version 8 string ATTRIBUTE ChilliSpot-OriginalURL 9 string #YFi Specific Attributes ATTRIBUTE Yfi-Voucher 40 string ATTRIBUTE Yfi-MAC-Reset 41 string ATTRIBUTE Yfi-Data 42 string ATTRIBUTE Yfi-Time 43 string #YFi Various Counters ATTRIBUTE Max-Daily-Session 50 integer ATTRIBUTE Max-Monthly-Session 51 integer ATTRIBUTE Max-Weekly-Session 52 integer ATTRIBUTE Max-All-Session 53 integer ATTRIBUTE ChilliSpot-Max-Daily-Octets 60 integer ATTRIBUTE ChilliSpot-Max-Monthly-Octets 61 integer ATTRIBUTE ChilliSpot-Max-Weekly-Octets 62 integer ATTRIBUTE ChilliSpot-Max-All-Octets 63 integer # Configuration management parameters (ChilliSpot Only) ATTRIBUTE ChilliSpot-UAM-Allowed 100 string
If you deviated from the standard, the following files may need changes
/etc/raddb/sql.conf - This defines the database conection detail.
/etc/raddb/rlm_perl_modules/conf/settings.conf - This defines the database settings and counters used by the FreeRADIUS YFi Hotspot Manager Perl module.
Edit /etc/raddb/dictionary and replace
$INCLUDE /usr/share/freeradius/dictionary
$INCLUDE /usr/local/share/freeradius/dictionary
Edit /usr/local/etc/raddb/proxy.conf:
Look for:
home_server { virtual_server = }
and hash that out completely.
As a final test issue the following command and ensure no errors are present.
radiusd -X
If there are no errors, we can make FreeRadius? start at system startup:
echo "/usr/local/sbin/radiusd" >> /etc/rc.local
and we can start it now by typing:
Two important lines to change in /var/www/html/c2/yfi_cake/config/yfi.php. Change this from:
$config['freeradius']['path_to_dictionary_files'] = '/usr/share/freeradius/'; $config['freeradius']['radclient'] = '/usr/bin/radclient';
$config['freeradius']['path_to_dictionary_files'] = '/usr/local/share/freeradius/'; $config['freeradius']['radclient'] = '/usr/local/bin/radclient';
Typical usage of YFi Hotspot Manager include that NAS devices behind NAT firewalls try to connect to the FreeRADIUS server running on the server where YFi Hotspot Manager is installed on.
These NAT firewalls usually incorporate DHCP. With a changing IP the solution we use is to connect the NAS device via a pptp tunnel to the FreeRADIUS server.
You can read up more about the technology VPN Discussion
Install the pptpd server. For this we go to the publisher of the pptpd program poptop, but first we need to install ppp:
yum install ppp
You can install directly from the publishers site by issuing the following command:
For 32bit:
rpm -ivh
For 64bit:
rpm -ivh
Edit the pptpd config file ( vi /etc/pptpd.conf) and add right at the end:
This will cause the server to create a virtual interface with IP
Poin to point virtual connections can be set-up from the NAS devices, using this IP when you specify the RADIUS server's IP.
Make the file where the clients to the pptpd program gets defined writable by the user running Apache.
chown root.apache /etc/ppp/chap-secrets chmod 664 /etc/ppp/chap-secrets
Restart the pptpd program to apply the changes
chkconfig pptpd on service pptpd restart
This is done automatically in the background when you add a new VPN connected NAS.
To get the detail which you have to supply the pptpd client program on the NAS device simply edit the nas device.
It will be specified under the 'Optional Info' tab.
The pptp client detail is fetched from the /etc/ppp/chap-secrets file.
YFi Hotspot Manager requires a few scripts to run periodically in order to maintain a healthy and working system.
Most of the scripts are CakePHP shell scripts.
This makes it easy to interact with the MySQL database used by FreeRADIUS.
To enable/activate the CRON script, just copy the script from the "yfi_cake" directory
cp /var/www/html/c2/yfi_cake/setup/cron/yfi /etc/cron.d/
We will also have to modify the CRON script by replacing the apache user and path to suite RHEL/CentOS
cd /etc/cron.d sed 's|www-data|apache|g' yfi > yfi.tmp;mv yfi.tmp yfi; sed 's|/var/www/c2|/var/www/html/c2|g' yfi > yfi.tmp;mv yfi.tmp yfi;
For those of you new to sed, the "sed" lines above does the following:
It Searches for "www-data" and replaces it with "apache" string.
It then takes the output of the operation and writes it to a file "yfi.tmp".
And finally, it renames the file "yfi.tmp" with the corrected string (apache) to "yfi".
The same goes for the second line; Replaces "/var/www/c2" with "/var/www/html/c2", outputs the file to "yfi.tmp" and lastly renames the file "yfi.tmp" to "yfi". NOTE: As mentioned above, you must follow this steps in order to avoid problems later on with cron.
NOTE FOR BETA 5!: Don't forget to apply the 2 fixes mentioned here: Things wont view properly if you don't fix it, but if you grabbed your copy from SVN and not the tarball, then you should be ok.
Give your server one last restart just to make sure things start up properly
Congratulations! Your YFi Hotspot Manager setup is complete