


Bulk Import of Permanent Users

  • As of SVN version 485 you can now with ease import users in bulk into YFi.
  • Simply make use of the 3rd Party API.
  • Remember to create an Access Provider specially for this purpose (by default you should call it 3rd_sms to be the same as that specified in the 3rd_parties_controller's code):

    $this->layout   = 'ajax'; //To send JSON from the web server
    $key_master     = '123456789';
    $access_provider= '3rd_sms';    //The name of the Access Provider that this will be made the creator of
  • Use the attached Perl script and Dummy CSV file on this page as a guidline to do the mass import.

  • If you have problems, suggestions or need extra help, add it to this thread on the forum:


  • Set up a YFi Hotspot Manager server using the latest SVN version of the software. (
  • Download the file (which is attached to this page) onto the server where you just installed the YFi Hotspot Manager on.
  • Make sure it is executable by changing directory to where the file is and running the following command there:

    chmod 755 ./
  • The file expects that there will be a file called dummy.csv in the same directory where it is located where the bulk of the users is defined.

  • It expects the users to be in CSV format and in the following order: <surname>,<name>,<user_id>,<email>,<telephone number> e.g. van der Walt,Dirk,dvdwalt,dvanderwalt@‌,012-804-1234.
  • See to it that the file dummy.csv is in that format and contains all your users.
  • will use the user_id for the password as well as the username.
  • The 3rd Party API requires that an Access Provider with the name of 3rd_sms be created and be assigned to the realm specified in Be sure it exists before attempting to import the users.

There are also some values that can be tweaked in

  • The realm a user will be part of ($realm).
  • The profile a user will belong to ($profile).
  • The name and location of the CSV file ($csv_file).
  • The type of cap ($cap).

When any of the values you want to specify for these variables have a space in, replace the space with a plus sign, eg Residence Inn will be specified as Residence+Inn.

When all is set-up you can run the following command in the directory where is:



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