
GNU Hosting Helper / News: Recent posts

GNU Hosting Helper 2.0 Release

GNU Hosting Helper. The most configurable, secure, and scalable Open Source Hosting Management software now has its own central Webmail interface for all email accounts inside its system. The new Webmail interface allows for a central installation for all supported accounts as well as expandability to unlimited interfaces to support the more demanding networks.

Posted by Carl L. Thompson Jr. 2006-03-22

GNUHH 1.49 release

A web hosting management system with central point administration and central point client console now has additional features added to the long list of features.
New features in GNUHH.

In Packages:
New installer script for easy installation

In Admin:
Advanced DNS Management
Email Access File Management
Virtual Configuration File Management
Extended customizablility to client layout
Customization of default Apache configuration for new domains... read more

Posted by Carl L. Thompson Jr. 2005-09-08

GNU Hosting Helper 1.48 release

GNU Hosting Helper now supports MyDNS name server software and a Postfix/MySQL virtual mail system along with already having supported standard Sendmail and Postfix installations, BIND name server software, virtually any FTPd server software, and Apache web server.

Full management of domains via the administration console as well as client console functions for domain specific tasks for clients.

Multiple user accounts per domain to seperate management. Completely distributed networking system allowing for managing multiple servers from a single point administration and client.... read more

Posted by Carl L. Thompson Jr. 2005-09-02

Release of 1.46

GNU Hosting Helper is a web based hosting management system. Single administration and Single client interfaces to manage multiple servers and multiple domains. Completely encrypted communications. Brute force protection. Complete client management tools to reduce administration and technical support.
Firewall management, file change supervision, basic server management tools. Client interface allows client to manage emails, website, MySQL databases, ftp accounts, and more. Integrated billing system and domain registration system.

Posted by Carl L. Thompson Jr. 2005-08-15

GNUHH 1.38 released

GNU Hosting Helper 1.38 is now release. Central adminstration console for administration of multiple distributed server. Cental client console for clients on all servers administered by GNU HH. Online signup system with and OpenSRS integration. Now with a yum repository, apt-rpm repository, and apt for debian repository.

Easily administrate hosted domains.
Cut down on service requests with the detailed client console allowing them management of their website, ftp, billing, frontpage extensions, databases, and more.
Offer easy online signup of new accounts with real time credit card processing thru and domain registration thru OpenSRS.

Posted by Carl L. Thompson Jr. 2005-04-22

Perl RPMS for needed modules of GNU Hosting Helper

The hosting helper project now has rpms for the following perl modules for easy installation on rpm based linux distributions.


Posted by Carl L. Thompson Jr. 2005-02-18

Release of GNU Hosting Helper

We are pleased to announce the release of GnuHH (GNU Hosting Helper) v1.3. GnuHH 1.3 is a complete rebuild with support for networks of servers. It gives customers a single login point to manage all domains no matter what physical server they reside on and allows for centralized administration for accounts and servers. Client functions provide complete management of hosted accounts while administration functions allow for easy management of accounts, security features, and individual server management tools.... read more

Posted by Carl L. Thompson Jr. 2005-01-15

First Release

GNU Hosting Helper has finally been released. This project offers easy management of web hosting clients and all of their various needs via administration and client consoles. It support a distributed network allowing for hosting to be on one machine or split up between dedicated servers for mail, dns, database, and web server.

Feature quick and easy account management thru a simple "fill in the blank" form to add new account managers and/or domains. Once all of the information is entered and submitted the software does all the necessary user creation and server daemon configurations for the new account including email, dns, and webserver daemons. Extensive security features including integrated firewall management and evaluation, file alteration supervision, tiered administrative access and more.... read more

Posted by Carl L. Thompson Jr. 2004-04-16