
Errors compiling THE for Linux Mint 19.1 64bit

  • taf

    taf - 2019-07-20

    I'm gettin../rexx.c: At top level:
    ../rexx.c:1460:8: error: unknown type name ‘ULONG’
    (ULONG Argc,RXSTRING Argv[])
    ../rexx.c:1551:8: error: unknown type name ‘ULONG’
    (ULONG Argc,RXSTRING Argv[])
    g these error messages:

  • taf

    taf - 2019-07-20
    THE has now been configured with the following options:
                     Rexx Interpreter: Open Object Rexx
                       Curses package: ncurses
                           RPM topdir: /home/taf/rpmbuild
                        Build options:  64BIT
        binaries will be installed in: ${exec_prefix}/bin
       libraries will be installed in: /usr/local/lib
                             {prefix}: /usr/local
                        {exec_prefix}: ${prefix}

    Above is the result from configure, which seems ok.

    Left some error messages out.. undefined types 'CHAR' ?? how can that be?

    In file included from ../rexx.c:49:0:

    ../therexx.h:388:31: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘PRXSTRING’
     # define RFH_ARG2_TYPE        PRXSTRING

    Can anyone see what I've done wrong. I'm really new to configure, make, make install, so might be something obvious...

  • Mark Hessling

    Mark Hessling - 2019-07-24

    Hi Terry,

    I assume you are building with ooRexx v5? If so then once you have run configure edit the config.h that is generated and add a line:

    define OOREXX_40 1

    at the bottom, then recompile.

    The configure script looks for a version of ooRexx that starts with '4', and doesn't know about v 5 yet.

    Cheers, Mark

  • taf

    taf - 2019-07-24

    Hi Mark,
    Thanks! that did the trick... 'tho I did have to use "sudo make" and "sudo make install" for some reason.

  • taf

    taf - 2019-07-24

    I'm used to the windows setup... I'm trying to assign tabpre to numplus
    "define NUMPLUS cursor prefix"
    (like showkey for F12, but the define command says
    "Error 001: Invalid operand: NUMPLUS"
    this is with ncurses under Linux Mint under VMBox...

  • Mark Hessling

    Mark Hessling - 2019-07-24

    When setting up keys on a new platform, always use the SHOW command to determine the name of a particular key for that platform. In my case using ncurses, the + key on the numeric keypad is named PLUS.

  • taf

    taf - 2019-07-25

    On my new system, SHOW indicates

    Numeric pad + is '+'
    Numeric pad enter is C-M assigned to "enter"
    numeric row + is '+'
    enter is 'C-M' assigned to "enter"

    I don't see how to distinguish between numplus and plus. I don't understand why both enter and numenter are detected as 'C-M'

  • Mark Hessling

    Mark Hessling - 2019-07-25

    Keyboard hadling is complicated in the Unix environment; see the documentation for this at: . The major determiner of the features of your terminal window is the terminfo setting which is determined by the environment variable TERM. To determine what your TERM is at the prompt:
    echo $TERM
    to change it (I use xterm-256color):
    export TERM=xterm-256color
    Then run THE after this and see if the keys are defined differently.

    The reason ENTER maps to C-M is that C-M sends a value of hex 0D (or 0A-can't remember) which is carriage return and that is the same intent of the ENTER key.

  • taf

    taf - 2019-07-25

    Ok, after much wandering thru weeds....
    The TERM in use is xterm-256color
    I've determined that code values from showkey are 78 /0x4E (kpplus), 13/0x0D for the numeric row += key.
    I've found the's getch.h which describes KEY_PadPlus as 0x357
    But I have no idea how to proceed from here....

  • Mark Hessling

    Mark Hessling - 2019-07-25

    I'm confused with the above results. THE's SHOWKEY command will display a single word for the key name as a result of a key press; either THE's name for the key like PGUP, an escaped decimal value like \358, or if the key doesn't produce anything, then nothing.
    I can't see how you are getting the values you report from SHOWKEY
    Another thing to consider is that just because you have different keys on your keyboard, there is no guarantee they will produce individual key codes; that is up to the implementation of the particular terminfo entry and outside of THE's control.

  • taf

    taf - 2019-07-26

    Sorry, I should have been clearer. The scancodes are from a showkey in terminal, not the. The shows the plus character "+" for both the numeric row and the numeric pad plus. Since I'm now acclimated to use numpad + for cursor prefix tabbing, I'm trying to make that work in my linux VBox guest under windows :-( From your last post I think that my problem is terminfo is presenting the same value for the two keys, even tho the raw scancodes are different. Any advice gratefully accepted.


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