
WinHelp compiling problem....

  • Buddy Pepper

    Buddy Pepper - 2003-10-23

    First off...Great program!! It's really well done!! Now, I'm trying to build a WinHelp file....I had been compiling ok, but now it's not compiling the hlp file, only the cnt file. I don't see any errors or warnings when it's compiling. Any thoughts? You can email me at (take off the "nospam_" part)....Thanks

    • Buddy Pepper

      Buddy Pepper - 2003-10-24

      I have since figured out the problem. The problem is with the "Delete Temp files After Compilation" option....I had that option checked (it was set to delete the temp files). By turning off that option, my hlp file was being created (though it's got a few issues still). So it looks like maybe the program is deleting the temp files BEFORE it's actually all done compiling the hlp file.

      - Buddypepper

    • Buddy Pepper

      Buddy Pepper - 2003-10-24

      As I mentioned, I still have a few issues with my hlp file. The only one that I can't seem to find a work-around for though, is this: Hyperlinks. If I make a page that has links on it to jump you to another page in the help file, no matter what option I select ("Normal Link", or "Popup Window") it always displays the page as a popup....Any ideas about that?


    • P.

      P. - 2003-11-23

      I'll check about the popups later.

      The program is scheduled for a new build soon.


    • Buddy Pepper

      Buddy Pepper - 2003-11-24


    • sally

      sally - 2004-03-07

      normal link and pop-up window issue is now solved.


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