
#70 Complie Error at sharp.c with v3.30 (2015Oct08)


Hi guys

Is about: Healpix_3.30_2015Oct08.tar.gz

I get a strange error when compliling.I tried either with ./configure and make
or via "pip install --user healpy". Same result.
See attachment.
- Error_pip_install.txt
- Error_Make.txt

I guess it has something to do with my c complier:
gcc version 4.8.3 20140627 [gcc-4_8-branch revision 212064] (SUSE Linux)
I am out of options. Maybe it's something trival.
I use the the flags as recommended by the program.

What other information you need to understand the issue?

Thanks for any advice.


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  • Martin Reinecke

    Martin Reinecke - 2016-06-01

    Hi Alex,

    I have no idea why, but for some reason the configuration of the C compiler (during the healpy step) does not include the "-std=c99" flag. If you find a way to add this flag, things should work nicely.

    For debugging purposes, could you please attach the files


  • Martin Reinecke

    Martin Reinecke - 2016-06-02

    Hi Alex!

    I'm sorry but I can not edit my own ticket. Not sure how that works.

    This is strange. I'll see if I can change the configuration for the bug

    I created the ticket while I wasn't log-in into sourceforge.

    I downloaded this file "Healpix_3.30_2015Oct08.tar.gz"
    So, the files should also be in there.
    - Healpix_3.30/src/healpy/healpixsubmodule/src/cxx/autotools/configure
    - /Healpix_3.30/src/healpy/healpixsubmodule/src/cxx/autotools/

    If you give me an email-adress, I can send you my files but I don't expect them to be different.

    I just double-checked the files, and at least looks exactly
    as it should.
    I ran the configure script by hand with gcc 4.7.3 (unfortunately I don't
    have your exact version here) and it correctly found the necessary flag
    for C99 code.
    Looking at your Error_Make.txt, I see the line

    checking for gcc -pthread option to accept ISO C99... unsupported

    I don't understand why this happens, because on my own machine I get

    checking for gcc -pthread option to accept ISO C99... -std=gnu99

    but in any case this problem explains all the following compilation
    errors you see.
    I don't know how to fix this, since I'm only writing C/C++ and I'm not
    familiar with the Python configuration voodoo that does the healpy setup.
    But if you manage to somehow feed the "-std=c99" or "-std=gnu99" flag to
    the C compiler, everything should work.

    Hope this helps a bit,

  • Martin Reinecke

    Martin Reinecke - 2016-06-02

    P.S.: posting comments to existing tickets should now work for everyone. Sorry for the misconfiguration!

  • alex

    alex - 2016-06-02

    Thanks for the Idea. I tried the following:

    For ./configure "(3): configure Healpix F90 package, and edit Makefile"
    > enter compilation/optimisation flags for C compiler (-O3 -std=c99 -DgFortran): -O3 -std=gnu99 -DgFortran
    > C subroutines will be compiled with gcc -O3 -std=gnu99 -DgFortran

    Changed "std=c99" to "std=gnu99" by hand in the files:
    - .../src/cxx/config/config.healpy
    - .../src/cxx/config/config.generic_gcc
    -> pick in ./configure for configurations for C++: "2: generic_gcc"

    Still same error:
    "checking for gcc -pthread option to accept ISO C99... unsupported"

    Somewhere it still misses the "std=c99" or "std=gnu99" flag or it nether likes "std=gnu99".

    It looks to me like it's a bug in one script or one configure file but not necessarly of my C compiler,.

    Any other way to rule out that is my C compiler?

    Any other file I should check for the C99 Flag or add it there?

    Just a random thought:
    could cfitsio has anything to do with this?
    could my python version has anything to with this?


  • Martin Reinecke

    Martin Reinecke - 2016-06-02

    Hi Alex,

    cfitsio should definitely not be related to this problem; and I'm pretty sure it will not depend on the Python version either.
    The config.generic_gcc and similar files are ignored during the healpy build process, so it's not that either.
    Your best bet is probably to open a new issue at
    The people there are much more knowledgeable about this kind of problem.


  • alex

    alex - 2016-06-02

    Thanks. I will.

  • Martin Reinecke

    Martin Reinecke - 2017-01-09
    • status: open --> closed-fixed
  • Martin Reinecke

    Martin Reinecke - 2017-01-09

    Closing ... discussion appear to have moved over to healpy.



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