
HDRFlow / News: Recent posts

SCM changes

The code repository for this project has been changed from subversion to git. No more updates
to svn will be made.

Posted by Goncalo de Carvalho 2009-04-10

HDRFlowMaya2008 for Win32 released

HDRFlowMaya2008 is a collection of floating point image readers for Autodesk's Maya 2008. It supports ILM's OpenEXR, DPX, TIFF, HDR and digital camera's RAW formats.

This release is functional equivalent to the OS/X one and is a native port to Windows systems.

For support join one of the mailing lists or use the Sourceforge tracker system.

Posted by Goncalo de Carvalho 2008-03-08

HDRFlow Maya 0.1.0 for OS/X released

HDRFlowMaya2008 is a collection of floating point image readers for Autodesk's Maya 2008. It supports ILM's OpenEXR, DPX, TIFF, HDR and digital camera's RAW formats.

Currently, the only platform supported is OS/X 10.4.10 (Universal Binary). Other platforms (or Maya versions) may be available in the future if there is enough interest. The release is self contained, and it is provided as a sneak peak of the technology currently being developed for HDRFlow.... read more

Posted by Goncalo de Carvalho 2007-10-13

Build Dependencies Package updated

This is an update to the build dependencies package to add libtiff as a universal binary and correct the OpenEXR libraries since they have not been compiled as a universal binary before. Please see the previous news release regarding licenses and source code availability.

Posted by Goncalo de Carvalho 2007-09-02

Build Dependencies Package released

HDRFlow has released a package (OS/X universal) containing compiled build dependencies. This is done to simplify development contributions. The package is composed of boost 1.34.1, glew and OpenEXR. It is composed of a minimal set of dependencies and is in no way a substitute of the aforementioned projects. Please refer to their webpages for copyright notices and sources (many or all are hosted at SourceForge).
All other platforms (e.g. linux distributions, not windows) already package all of these dependencies.

Posted by Goncalo de Carvalho 2007-08-18

Mailing Lists: Developers and SVN notifications

Mailing lists for both developers and SVN notifications have been created. To subscribe follow the mailing lists link on the main project page.

Posted by Goncalo de Carvalho 2007-04-12