
HBCI4Java / News: Recent posts

HBCI4Java 2.4.4 and HBCI4Java Passport Editor 0.5 released

There is now experimental(!) support for reading (and only reading) SIZ-RDH-keyfiles in HBCI4Java. These keyfiles are normally used by HBCI software based on the SIZ HBCI kernel (e.g. StarMoney). Also including some minor bugfixes concerning signatures and message keys.

Posted by Stefan Palme 2003-09-08

HBCI4Java 2.4.3 and HBCI4Java Passport Editor 0.4 released

HBCI4Java is a Java package to enable Java-applications to use the HBCI (german standard for homebanking) interface. This release contains some new features and bugfixes. There is now support for checking the validity of account numbers (via checksums), better callback-interfaces and some improvements to the rewriter modules used to deal with some institute-specific behaviour. Automatic initialization of new passports (i.e. security media) has been improved to adapt HBCI4Java to some strange behaviour of some credit institutes.
The new release of the passport editor just integrates these changes.

Posted by Stefan Palme 2003-09-03

HBCI4Java 2.4.2 released

HBCI4Java is a Java package to enable Java-applications to use the HBCI (german standard for homebanking) interface. This release contains some bugfixes for detecting and working with business jobs. There are also some minor feature enhancements - read the ChangeLog for more information.

Posted by Stefan Palme 2003-08-18

HBCI4Java 2.4.1 released

HBCI4Java is a Java package to enable Java-applications to use the HBCI interface. This release introduces a new type of RDH-passports to fix problems when using RDH passport files on different systems. You are highly encouraged to update to this version, because the old RDH passport file format will disappear sometimes in the future.

Posted by Stefan Palme 2003-07-28

HBCI4Java 2.4.0 and HBCI4Java-Passport-Editor 0.2 available

HBCI4Java is a Java package to enable Java-applications to use the HBCI interface. This new release introduces a lot of changes in the usability of the API. There are only few new features, instead of this I have dealed with a lot of bugs, integration problems and design cleanup.
There is also a new passport editor working with this release of HBCI4Java. The new editor now also supports passports working with PIN/TAN.

Posted by Stefan Palme 2003-07-22

HBCI4Java passport editor available

HBCI4Java-PE release 0.1 is an editor for passports (i.e. keyfiles) of HBCI4Java. This editor is still in a very early state, but usable.

Posted by Stefan Palme 2003-05-23

HBCI4Java 2.2 released

HBCI4Java is a Java package to enable Java-applications to use the HBCI interface. This release fixes some problems when using RSA keys. There are some workarounds for buggy HBCI-servers implemented. Of course we have support for some new jobs and a lot of smaller bugfixes.

Posted by Stefan Palme 2003-05-23

HBCI4Java 2.1 released

HBCI4Java is a Java package to enable Java-applications to use the HBCI interface. HBCI is a home banking standard developed in germany. This version has support for most of the often-used types of transactions. There are a number of bugfixes and some smaller new features in the HBCI kernel now.

Posted by Stefan Palme 2003-05-08

HBCI4Java 2.0 released

HBCI4Java is a Java package to enable Java-applications to use the HBCI interface. HBCI is a home banking standard developed in germany.

This project gives you a plattform independent class library for the HBCI interface. It fully supports all current HBCI versions and is even ready for the new standard FinTS 3.0.

Posted by Stefan Palme 2003-04-26