
Some values are not releavant

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2017-09-28

    Hello again ! So I'm filling my banks, so far I had only one or two minor issues (probably link to the AC adaptator, I change it then it when fine again)

    However I had a "major" problem, I was crafting a superb pad with the 2 osc group, the second one has a slow attack and then an harmonics modulation (beautiful if you ask me) ;
    But here is the issue : the parameter P1-24 which is the waveform selector for the harmonic modulation, is supposed to go from the value 1to10, here it goes up to 13 (I used the 12' waveform, looks like a square wave S&H repeating the same pattern) ; did I made something wrong with the software or the manual is not up to date ?

    I will be happy to help you do anything concerning the hawk because it is complexe and beautiful at the same time so let me know if you want me to help to test or do anything ; I love this synth ^^

    Cheers and love from France,


  • katoomba

    katoomba - 2017-10-05

    You did not do anything wrong. You are right, the manual does not include P1-24 parameter data values of 12 and 13. If you have a look at the "Parameter Quick Reference" page 6. You can see the list of LFO waveforms. 12 and 13 use EG3 as the source instead of an actual LFO. The operation of those two sources in P1-24 is not fully tested. So you can use it for patches but it is not an 'officially' supported feature - yet.



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