
Hash Calculator / News: Recent posts

Version 1.3 Release

I have released newer version 1.3 of Hash Calculator with the following changes:

In Hash Calculator v1.3, I have introduced these new things:

1. Wrapped into a single jar file:

I have now wrapped the entire application along with the resources like images and the doc files inside a single jar file with the help of the fatjar hence making it easier to distribute and also avoids the possibility of loosing any important resource files.... read more

Posted by Dhruva Sagar 2009-06-25

New Release!!!

Hash Calculator v1.2 released which has the complete help section where you can search as well and has the all new compare option where you can compare the hash results of files for doing checksum.

Download the latest release Hash Calculator v1.2 now. See the change log for details.

Posted by Dhruva Sagar 2007-02-08