
VistA on Linux PC

Rodney Kay
  • Rodney Kay

    Rodney Kay - 2002-08-05

    I have downloaded and installed the VistA software on a PC running Red Hat 7.2 and have downloaded the CPRSCHART.EXE file but am unable to get the executable to run.  I have changed the permissions on the file using CHMOD 771 cprschart.exe and I am attempting to launch using cprschart s=localhost p=9207.  I am able to start VistA and Taskman with no problems, and the RPC Broker listener is running on port 9207 and was started using D STRT^XWBTCP(9207).

    Not sure what I am doing wrong.  Have checked the hosts file and the machine is listed as localhost  Any help appreciated.

    • K.S. Bhaskar

      K.S. Bhaskar - 2002-08-07

      I am not familiar with VistA, but could it be that CPRSCHART.EXE is a Windows application?  If so, you would need a Windows PC or a Windows virtual machine under Linux to run it.

      Alternatively, you could try running under Wine.

      -- Bhaskar


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