
Tree [ece479] master /

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File Date Author Commit
 OpenVXML-5.1.0 2017-02-27 etsuprun etsuprun [ece479] adding the binary version of openvxml
 ggs 2017-02-27 etsuprun etsuprun [ece479] adding the binary version of openvxml
 OpenVXML_without_Tears.docx 2016-02-17 vikram-r vikram-r [dfc76c] This is a test.
 README.txt 2016-02-17 vikram-r vikram-r [dfc76c] This is a test.
 how-to-compile-openvxml.txt 2015-06-23 suendermann suendermann [47855c] Adding instructions on how to compile OpenVXML ...
 test.txt 2016-02-17 vikram-r vikram-r [dfc76c] This is a test.

Read Me

OpenVXML dialog authoring software suite and related tools for use with the HALEF SDS:

Folder contents:

1) ggs/

This folder contains a Python script, that, in conjunction with spoken dialog workflows designed with OpenVXML, takes in a set of phrase--semantic-category pairs and generates a correponding JSGF GRAMMAR file and a SCRIPT file that takes in the output of the speech recognizer associated with a particular question (dialog state) and assigns it a correponding semantic category. Also included are the set of folders/files that are required by a Windows executable for the same Python script, located in "dist/ggs.exe".

2) OpenVXML-5.1.0/

This folder contains the (compilable) sourcecode required to run OpenVXML. Note that this code reflects the version on the OpenVXML GIT repository located at 

3) OpenVXML_without_Tears.docx

A Microsoft Word document that provides a basic tutorial on how to install OpenVXML and use it to author dialog workflows.

- In case of further questions, contact:

Vikram Ramanarayanan (
ETS Research 
Feb 2015