

  • Witold Rugowski

    Witold Rugowski - 2003-06-27

    My question is simple :-)
    This is very new project on - do You have some stuff or are you starting with greenfiled?

    Im interested (in generaly) in OS development on ebeded devices, so i would like to know something more about hadie......  is this something real at this moment ?

    • Marc Feld

      Marc Feld - 2003-07-21

      the project is at the very beginning. At the moment there is only a very poor implementation of a scheduler for 8051.
      I will change the scheduling very soon.

      So far I am planning to implement some inter task communications , a hardwaredispatcher and a Softwaredispatching.

      If you have any wiches to an embeded OS. Let me know.

      There will be something real in less then 6 month.

      In whitch processors are you interessted ?


      PS: Sorry for my late response. I don't expect anyone to write here.

    • Marc Feld

      Marc Feld - 2003-10-15

      > PS: Sorry for my late response. I don't expect anyone to write here.

      But in the future I'll have a look at it.


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