
gxsm_1.1.22-1 deb install

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2002-04-17


    Andreas asked me to test install the new deb package. This was my experience:

    I had 2 issues with the installation both related to the fact that i am running woody (testing) instead of potato. the gxsm deb lists gtkglarea4 as a dependency but gtkglarea5 is the testing version so i had to install v4 from the stable tree. no problem because they are mutually exclusive (at least apt-get didn't balk or remove v5 when i installed v4).

    The second dependency problem was for libgtkdatabox. the testing version is whereas the stable version is so i had to downgrade, it wouldn't leave the newer version.

    those were the only hangups that i had.

    • Percy Zahl

      Percy Zahl - 2002-04-17

      Hi Jonathan,

      Looks all OK -- the dependency problems are quite natural, because the deb pkg was made for potato.

      Have you tried to make a install from CVS source?

      Should work fine, because I'm developing with woody too, on PPC and i386.

      PS: I put some gxsm demo data files here:

      Section "Demo NetCDF Data FIles".
      You may need to download them first, instead of doing DnD for some reason this make some problem with these .bz2 files.


      • Anonymous

        Anonymous - 2002-04-17

        Thanks for the demo data, i'll try looking at those when i get some time.

        i did install gxsm using cvs (before i installed the deb) and got it finally to run. one issue that i had was while 'make'ing it there were several libraries that gxsm depends on that i had to install. no big deal i just apt-get them. but since i installed fftw after running autogen the HAVE_LIBFFTW was not defined. so even after i installed it the preprocessor wasn't defining this. because of this i got an error.

        i tracked it to the autocorrelation.C file in the plug-ins/math/statistik dir. in the autocorrelation_run function (line 215) there is an #ifdef HAVE_LIBFFTW. inside the ifdef the boolean variable 'ret' is declared and defined. then on line 231 is the #endif and on the next line is 'return ret;'

        the error i was getting was because since HAVE_LIBFFTW was not defined, 'ret' is never declared so the function attempts to return an undeclared variable. that was the nature of the error message.

        i just added '#define HAVE_LIBFFTW' to the config.h file and everything worked out the make was sucessful and i installed with no other problems.


    • Andreas Klust

      Andreas Klust - 2002-04-17


      thanks for testing.  Can you take a look if the manpage for gxsm was installed by the "all" package?

      The next version of the deb will probably be made using woody, if I find some time upgrading my box...  But I guess people using potato would have more problems installing a woody package than vice-versa.


      • Anonymous

        Anonymous - 2002-04-17

        Well, i only installed the gxsm deb package, not the doc package. this seemed to install the manpage as well. so i removed the gxsm deb and removed any man remnants (in the cache) and installed the gxsm-doc deb. i seemed to install the gxsm manpage ok.

        when i try to install gxsm-doc _after_ installing gxsm i get the following error:

        trying to overwrite `/usr/share/man/man1/goszi.1.gz', which is also in package gxsm

        i guess this is a problem because both packages contain the man page. is it common for the *-doc.deb package to contain the man page?


    • Stefan Schroeder

      In Gxsm/Documentation/Manua/ resides the file
      "neededpackages.txt" It contains a list of packages
      I found that are needed by gxsm.
      I used ldd to track down the needed libs and then
      dpkg to find out, which package these libs belong
      to. I don't remember if this list also satisfies all
      compilation needs, but its a 'must-have' list, that
      can be cat'ted into apt-get before running or
      compiling gxsm.

      • Percy Zahl

        Percy Zahl - 2002-07-15

        I noticed that file a while ago...

        Well, just go ahead and add a section of what to to into the Gxsm-install.tex :-)


    • Jan Ingo Flege

      Jan Ingo Flege - 2002-09-05

      Hi, I would just like to add that now woody has come up with a final release a few weeks ago... so maybe from now on a deb for woody would be a nice thing. BTW: Not only the libgtkdatabox package is problematic but also the netCDF library (now version 3.5.0-7 or the like). libgtkdatabox did not make it into woody, anyone know why?


      • Percy Zahl

        Percy Zahl - 2002-09-06

        What is the trouble with NetCDF ?? I've the 3.5.0-7 installed.

        The missing gtkdatabox I did noticed also, but for some weired reason it's still (and was all the time) in the unstable branch...

        I have the libgtkdatabo  from the unstable dist still installed, but it's now marked as "obsolete", becasue it's missing in the stable list. I really do no have any idea what I should do -- but it's needed in in one PlugIn and by Goszi only. So you could compile all with make -k and ignore the errors... -- may work.

        I also could imagine a "special" woody-deb withoout it.

        Maybe there is a future solution if the gnome-2 transition is done.


        • Jan Ingo Flege

          Jan Ingo Flege - 2002-09-06

          Well, it seems that I cannot reproduce the error anymore, so I guess you're right. I only remember that earlier I had to downgrade the version to be able to open nc-files.



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