
AZ curve

  • Mobinul Hoda

    Mobinul Hoda - 2018-10-04

    Dear Percy,
    Problem - When i am trying to get amplitude - distance curve from AFM system using SPM software, then the cursor in the PanView is only moving in one direction. Means to say that the range of the Z is not covering entire input range and also the voltage is also is not changing during the operation.

    Please help me out.

    Thanks & Regards

  • Mobinul Hoda

    Mobinul Hoda - 2018-10-12

    Dear Percy,
    I am really stuck in this particlar problem. Please help me out.

  • Percy Zahl

    Percy Zahl - 2018-11-04

    Hi Mobinul,

    I am sorry for the delay... was busy taking a lot of data....

    I am not exactly sure what your trying to do besides a amplitude/distance curve.

    However, not sure what "tab" you are using. I'd recomment for flexibility to use the generic vector probe (GVP) and programm exactly what you need.

    If you need to change Z(Scan) over a wide range, make sure you start with a current Z not too close to the limits as then obviously you can not go further that way...

    If yo udo not start with a "feedback-locked" Z(Scan), you can make use of the programmable "CZ-FUZZY-LOG" Z transfer. Select instead of "LOG" the "CZ-FUZZY-LOG" option in the feedback mixer view. (WARNING: Do not accidentally select any of the "NEG..." options as this will invert the Z behavious what may be fatal if engaged...)

    Keep the "Fuzzy-Level" at 0 (yo ucan program that also via python!), then thsi moded exactly behaves like the "LOG" mode.

    Now read the current Z in PanView (or enable the Pos Monitor) and pick for testign a Z "higher" than the current Z and enter the value into Z-Pos/Setpoint.

    So now yo uhave full manual or (even fuzzy mixed) control of Z as when you increase the "Fuzzy-Level" just a bit above the setpoint Current -- you may want to slow down the feedback (like CI=5, CP=0 for example) to prevent to agressive responses to errors when in FUZZY mode -- then the regulation switches over to a Z-Regulation to maintain the "Z-Setpoint" -- but only if the "Fuzzy-Level" safety limit is not exceeded.

    Now you have full manual control of Z(Scan).
    You can even use that with F(Z), Ampl(Z)... probing -- use the GVP mode to program some thing! Now leave the feedback option checked (engahed) while manipulating Z and Z will will follow your program, but will "stall" if it runns into the Fuzzu-Limit as set....

    I hope you get an idea what yo ucan do with this. I use that excluively for force mappign for example as I do have full manual Z control this way. That's what I created this mode for.



    Last edit: Percy Zahl 2018-11-04
  • Mobinul Hoda

    Mobinul Hoda - 2018-11-28

    Thanks Percy. Will look into it.


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