
#9 removing repetitive mechanical/clockwork noise


Hi there,
Thank you for your quick and friendly answer.
I donno have a github account but maybe this stuff can fit here?
Here are a 1sec sample (encoded as .flac).
I hope it will be useful.

Initial conversation

From: hooldbid
Subject: Re:
Hi there.
Yes, please do provide a sample, but make sure it is a recording that
you don't need to keep private.
If you have a github account it would be good if you could file a ticket
for this at

I'm actually not the original author of GWC, and I've really only done
bugfixes and updates of the gui, rather than working on the actual audio
cleaning code. But I would have thought we could deal with your
recordings quite well.


From: ffroggy
Subject: Related to Gtk wave cleaner - removing repetitive noise
Dear Sir or Madam,
First, I beg you pardon if I do not respect exactly the netiquette of this place, it's the first time I'm using it and if I do any mistake, please do not hesitate to correct me, it will help me not to repeat them in the future. By the way, my native language is not English...

I own a camera with hardware stabilisation for video. However, the stabilisation hardware does 3ms click every 70ms. I have tried audacity and then your software to remove it but I haven't found a way.

As far as I understand, the answer would be to apply some algorithm that would search and clean a repeated motive at x ms of time.

Out of my personal case, I think it would be useful for every person owing a camera with hardware stabilisation or other noisy hardware since the noise produced has the specificity of being repetitive at fix time interval.

But I fear I may have lost you with my chit chat.

To summarise, my question is:
Is there a way to remove such noise with Gtk wave cleaner and how? And if not, do you think it could be added to this software?

PS: anyway, thank for your great work, I'm always amazed at what people like you achieve to do.
PPS: I can send you a sample of the noise if you want.

1 Attachments


Support Requests: #9


  • Jeff Welty

    Jeff Welty - 2019-05-26

    Just for a quick attempt, I used the GWC declick.   The FFT detector didn't work on the sample, (either trying weak or strong click removal).   But, uncheck the "use FFT detector" in Settings->declick, and then the weak declicker worked very well on the noisy camera sample.
    Hope that helps...
    Jeff Welty

    On Sunday, May 26, 2019, 9:37:03 AM PDT, ffroggy <> wrote:

    [support-requests:#9] removing repetitive mechanical/clockwork noise

    Status: open
    Group: v1.0_(example)
    Labels: repetitive click repetitive camera stabilisation noise audio
    Created: Sun May 26, 2019 04:36 PM UTC by ffroggy
    Last Updated: Sun May 26, 2019 04:36 PM UTC
    Owner: Alister Hood

    • audio_noisy_sample.flac (127.1 kB; audio/flac)

    Hi there,
    Thank you for your quick and friendly answer.
    I donno have a github account but maybe this stuff can fit here?
    Here are a 1sec sample (encoded as .flac).
    I hope it will be useful.

    Initial conversation

    From: hooldbid
    Subject: Re:
    Hi there.
    Yes, please do provide a sample, but make sure it is a recording that
    you don't need to keep private.
    If you have a github account it would be good if you could file a ticket
    for this at

    I'm actually not the original author of GWC, and I've really only done
    bugfixes and updates of the gui, rather than working on the actual audio
    cleaning code. But I would have thought we could deal with your
    recordings quite well.


    From: ffroggy
    Subject: Related to Gtk wave cleaner - removing repetitive noise
    Dear Sir or Madam,
    First, I beg you pardon if I do not respect exactly the netiquette of this place, it's the first time I'm using it and if I do any mistake, please do not hesitate to correct me, it will help me not to repeat them in the future. By the way, my native language is not English...

    I own a camera with hardware stabilisation for video. However, the stabilisation hardware does 3ms click every 70ms. I have tried audacity and then your software to remove it but I haven't found a way.

    As far as I understand, the answer would be to apply some algorithm that would search and clean a repeated motive at x ms of time.

    Out of my personal case, I think it would be useful for every person owing a camera with hardware stabilisation or other noisy hardware since the noise produced has the specificity of being repetitive at fix time interval.

    But I fear I may have lost you with my chit chat.

    To summarise, my question is:
    Is there a way to remove such noise with Gtk wave cleaner and how? And if not, do you think it could be added to this software?

    PS: anyway, thank for your great work, I'm always amazed at what people like you achieve to do.
    PPS: I can send you a sample of the noise if you want.

    Sent from because you indicated interest in

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    Support Requests: #9

  • Alister Hood

    Alister Hood - 2019-05-27

    Hi Jeff, good to see you still keeping an eye on things.

    Ffroggy - I'll close this ticket as it seems your problem is solved. Is that right?

  • Alister Hood

    Alister Hood - 2019-05-27
    • Description has changed:


    --- old
    +++ new
    @@ -42,3 +42,4 @@
     >> PS: anyway, thank for your great work, I'm always amazed at what people like you achieve to do.
     >> PPS: I can send you a sample of the noise if you want.
    • status: open --> closed
  • ffroggy

    ffroggy - 2019-05-27

    Thank you for your help, both of you.
    I don't mind you close the subject if you think so.

    Indeed I tried the setting you suggest, Jeff, on the whole document and the click is reduced to a quite inaudible amount (ie, I can still detect it but it is less a nuisance).
    I'm just wondering if it would be possible to totally remove it, by example as only cleaning only every 70ms... Other idea: since the click is produced by some mechanism (probably) always behaving the same very next to the microphone, it should have a very specific signature.
    I'm wondering too how my ears and brain identify it as a "click". Knowing it would help to make to know what to remove. But maybe this research has already been done...

    By the way, I tried to find an "advanced manual" or "case study" for this software and I didn't. Just a simple help page with high knowledges vocabulary, kinda high for the simple camera user that I am... Is there any?

  • Alister Hood

    Alister Hood - 2019-05-28

    Upload a longer sample if you like, with some of the audio you are trying to capture, not just noise.
    I suspect your clicks are just too bad, and you are expecting too much. But it is hard to comment without a proper sample.

    Regarding documentation:
    1) there are various pages where people have described their workflow (e.g. the tutorial link on the left side at - there are a number of links to other software there too).
    But I think people tend to cover the complete workflow for digitising and cleaning up vinyl records, rather than just focussing on how they use GWC.
    2) Are you using the manual installed with the software? I see we have a link to an out-of-date version on the main page , which doesn't cover the settings.
    3) But perhaps you would find the old manual easier. I combined it with the old "quick start" guide - if you want you can download the old separate versions at

  • ffroggy

    ffroggy - 2019-05-28

    "and you are expecting too much"
    Truth. I admit.
    I managed to remove them using repetitive use of decklick and denoise.

    What I was trying to find is some soft of function which would only apply every 70ms (or any other time interval) for the 3ms of noise. And that I could then use for any video done with this camera. But if not possible, forget about it.

    Related to documentation, indead the one you mentionned is better and more explicit (?).
    The one included with the software is a bit like "to start linux, power your computer and here you are". I donno if it's possible but including both would be better.

    Anyway, thank you a lot.


    • Jeff Welty

      Jeff Welty - 2019-05-28

      "What I was trying to find is some soft of function which would only apply every 70ms (or any other time interval) for the 3ms of noise"-- that is essentially what the click detector is doing in your case.   It is an algorithm that detects impulse events (with a sensitivity you can change), and applies audio correction only to the impulse event itself.   Most of your 70ms audio frame remains untouched.   And I see you then used denoise.   That's the exact approach I would have used.

      I know it seems intuitive to want to remove the repeating "click" sound more directly, but a couple of things make it very difficult.   First, I'll bet the camera clicks isn't always 70ms apart, being a mechanical motor there is undoubtably some variation in the intervals between the camera clicks.   Secondly, if you were to try to sample the click itself and remove that directly as noise every 70ms, you'd end up with a "thunk" every 70ms, because not only would you remove the camera click, but the other background noise that seems to be constant (at least in your sample).
      In the end, what we want is no human perceptable clicks or noise.   Usually we can get very close to that result, sometimes it's just a tough problem.   I'll bet in the 20 or so years since I wrote GWC, there's been some noticeable advances in audio restoration -- particularly in the area of wavelet processing, but I've not had the time to investigate.
      I hope you can find usable solutions for your problem whether or not it is GWC.
      Cheers,Jeff Welty

      On Tuesday, May 28, 2019, 2:44:48 PM PDT, ffroggy <> wrote:

      "and you are expecting too much"
      Truth. I admit.
      I managed to remove them using repetitive use of decklick and denoise.

      What I was trying to find is some soft of function which would only apply every 70ms (or any other time interval) for the 3ms of noise. And that I could then use for any video done with this camera. But if not possible, forget about it.

      Related to documentation, indead the one you mentionned is better and more explicit (?).
      The one included with the software is a bit like "to start linux, power your computer and here you are". I donno if it's possible but including both would be better.

      Anyway, thank you a lot.


      [support-requests:#9] removing repetitive mechanical/clockwork noise

      Status: closed
      Group: v1.0_(example)
      Labels: repetitive click repetitive camera stabilisation noise audio
      Created: Sun May 26, 2019 04:36 PM UTC by ffroggy
      Last Updated: Tue May 28, 2019 09:46 AM UTC

      Owner: Alister Hood
      - audio_noisy_sample.flac (127.1 kB; audio/flac)

      Hi there,
      Thank you for your quick and friendly answer.
      I donno have a github account but maybe this stuff can fit here?
      Here are a 1sec sample (encoded as .flac).
      I hope it will be useful.

      Initial conversation

      From: hooldbid
      Subject: Re:
      Hi there.
      Yes, please do provide a sample, but make sure it is a recording that
      you don't need to keep private.
      If you have a github account it would be good if you could file a ticket
      for this at

      I'm actually not the original author of GWC, and I've really only done
      bugfixes and updates of the gui, rather than working on the actual audio
      cleaning code. But I would have thought we could deal with your
      recordings quite well.


      From: ffroggy
      Subject: Related to Gtk wave cleaner - removing repetitive noise
      Dear Sir or Madam,
      First, I beg you pardon if I do not respect exactly the netiquette of this place, it's the first time I'm using it and if I do any mistake, please do not hesitate to correct me, it will help me not to repeat them in the future. By the way, my native language is not English...

      I own a camera with hardware stabilisation for video. However, the stabilisation hardware does 3ms click every 70ms. I have tried audacity and then your software to remove it but I haven't found a way.

      As far as I understand, the answer would be to apply some algorithm that would search and clean a repeated motive at x ms of time.

      Out of my personal case, I think it would be useful for every person owing a camera with hardware stabilisation or other noisy hardware since the noise produced has the specificity of being repetitive at fix time interval.

      But I fear I may have lost you with my chit chat.

      To summarise, my question is:
      Is there a way to remove such noise with Gtk wave cleaner and how? And if not, do you think it could be added to this software?

      PS: anyway, thank for your great work, I'm always amazed at what people like you achieve to do.
      PPS: I can send you a sample of the noise if you want.

      Sent from because you indicated interest in

      To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit



      Support Requests: #9

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