
#12 Aspect Ratio Menu in MPC


Could you add an Aspect Ratio menu, right next
to "Video Frame" and "Pan&Scan"? Perhaps custom
aspect ratios could also be supported, like with
Pan&Scan. This seems to be the only major feature that
MPC is lacking, but really needs.

Thanks for the best player on Earth!


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I second this.

    A lot of stuffing around with Pan&Scan "Edit..." to get DVD
    playing to the "correct" onscreen aspect ratio.
    MPC startup settings currently gets PAL VOB/DVD aspects
    completely wrong.

    Some documentation (or even just simple notes in the "Edit.."
    dialog) about what the "Pos: 0.0 -> 1.0" "Zoom 0.2 -> 3.0"
    actually mean.

  • David

    David - 2003-06-22

    Logged In: YES

    The reason why Pan & Scan is not good enough for this is
    because one needs a different preset for resoultion for each
    aspect ratio, instead of just one preset per aspect ratio.

  • stopd

    stopd - 2003-06-30

    Logged In: YES

    "Pos: 0.0 -> 1.0"
    means you can change the position of the picture and the
    input field accepts values from 0.0 to 1.0, with 0.5 beeing

    "Zoom: 0.2 -> 3.0"
    the zooming of the picture and the input field accepts values
    in the range from 0.2 to 3.0, with 1.0 beeing the non altered

    first box seems to be picture width and second one is picture

  • David

    David - 2003-06-30

    Logged In: YES

    Correction: "...for EACH resolution..."

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I third this :)

    A lot of stuffing around with Pan&Scan "Edit..."
    to get DVD
    playing to the "correct" onscreen aspect ratio.
    MPC startup settings currently gets PAL VOB/DVD aspects
    completely wrong.

    Some documentation (or even just simple notes in the
    dialog) about what the "Pos: 0.0 -> 1.0" "Zoom
    0.2 -> 3.0"
    actually mean.

    I have found a way (for now) to make it easier for proper
    Aspect Ratios for PAL DVD/VOBs:
    In Options - Playback - Video : Choose either :
    Video Mixing Renderer 9 (Windowed)
    Video Mixing Renderer 9 (Renderless)

    We NEED someone to make an MPC.CHM file PLEAAAAASSSE!!
    And PLEAASSSE add a Simple ASPECT RATIO SubMenu to the
    View Menu and Context Menu!! Authors.. try playing PAL
    DVD/VOB yourselves and you WILL agree with this! And one
    more request please... A Simple OPEN FILE button (upward
    pointing triangle) on the Controls ToolBar... much easier and
    less clicks.

    Cheers. Keep up the great work!

  • stopd

    stopd - 2003-07-16

    Logged In: YES

    "A Simple OPEN FILE button (upward
    pointing triangle) on the Controls ToolBar... much easier and
    less clicks."

    how about:
    associate your files with MPC
    click the tray icon
    use 'Send To'

  • sfp

    sfp - 2003-11-24

    Logged In: YES

    I fourth the aspect ratio menu idea :)

  • sfp

    sfp - 2003-12-19

    Logged In: YES

    Just thought of something to add to this: It would be nice
    if the menu allowed me to adjust the aspect ratio by
    specifying either the desired display aspect ratio or the
    desired pixel aspect ratio.


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