
Booting from *.iso

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  • Etienne LORRAIN

    Etienne LORRAIN - 2010-01-15

    > DVD, if you remember I starting having fun with multisessions in 2007

    I do remember you!

    > you should add a configuration file only for cosmetics, ie. splash

    Unfortunately not for next version, it would delay it too much - and next version is already overdue…
    I hope to do something to load graphics for the version after that, Gujin can already load 3 files in memory, either gzip compressed or not, so it should not be too difficult to copy from memory to the screen something named "gujin.xpm.gz".
    I do not think that would involve a configuration file.

    > Still I have a problem on my configuration: on the Lacie USB HD FAT32 partition I use to keep orignal ISOs distributions.
    > well, I expect Gujin probing that partition and propose ALSO these entries, instead it shows none.

    Maybe the problem is that you are booting for the hard disk, so your BIOS did not add BIOS disks simulation for USB drives?
    Gujin can only probe disks it can see… the first screen in text mode should list the disks found.

    > /dev/sdb1 22592 194 22398 1% /media/EL-BOOT-V27

    Wasting a full partition for Gujin may not be the best, for this setup I would have added Gujin in the B.E.E.R area, by checking there is at least 500 Kbytes free at the end of the disk and typing: "./gujin /dev/sdc0 -disk=…".
    If there isn't 500 Kbytes free at the end of the disk, the installer will complain - then you just run fdisk.

    > sorry for the italian: the message says that the partition does not end at the limit of the cylinder.

    Well, unless there is an unreported bug somewhere, Gujin supports partition which do not finish on a cylinder boundary.
    Gujin did not create those partitions neither, so that is hardly a problem with Gujin.
    Note that this kind of messages are why I more advise to let the Gujin installer create the FAT partition where it will be installed, that is using "./gujin /dev/driveName -disk=BIOS:0x80,auto -mbr" with or without " -geometry=32768", instead of using another tool to create the first partition and install like "./gujin /dev/PartitionName -disk=BIOS:0x80,auto -mbr": there is strange fields to initialise is the MBR, strange requirements for alignments, you can produce a USB drive which is slower to use if you use other tools. Obviously you have to use the second method if you want to keep data in other partitions of the disk.

    > Unsuccessfull GentooLiveDVD which hangs

    … not enough data to debug …

    > UBCD4WIN which goes to bluescreen while booting

    … do not know …

    > I will make additional investigation on the last one.

    Please open a new "topic", there is already 25 messages on this one…


  • Benny

    Benny - 2010-01-17

    Maybe the problem is that you are booting for the hard disk, so your BIOS did not add BIOS disks simulation for USB drives?
    Gujin can only probe disks it can see… the first screen in text mode should list the disks found.

    > /dev/sdb1 22592 194 22398 1% /media/EL-BOOT-V27

    Is there a way to hold the screen ? it goes away to fast on my little netbook there is not a PAUSE key

    Wasting a full partition for Gujin may not be the best, for this setup I would have added Gujin in the B.E.E.R area, by checking there is at least 500 Kbytes free at the end of the disk and typing: "./gujin /dev/sdc0 -disk=…".
    If there isn't 500 Kbytes free at the end of the disk, the installer will complain - then you just run fdisk.

    I was really curious and I unsuccessfully tried (I lost the partition table and I spent to days to recovery, my mistake on dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=512 count=ONE NOT SIXTYTHREEE !!!! to clear MBR, it was one at night…).
    now I get a warning on the first screen (too quick as said) warning me that the BEER partition is on an extended partition.

    As you suggest I will open new threads on other subjects such as issues on specific distributions or ISOs (such as UBCD4WIN, usb images such as Google Chrome Cherry)

    FOR THE MOMENT I AM VERY VERY HAPPY as this technic allows me to:

    - create on a unique USB 2,5 HDD a linux mint + casper-rw persistent environment which backs me up the WINDOWS based  environment of my company (VPN + SAP + ie6 included, I am available to share my experience on that as there is no distribution including SAP)

    - created up to 5 additional partitions where I can keep the latest iso of my favourite distributions (i.e. Lucid Lynx 10.04 beta 2 took me 3 minutes to copy and start)

    Still to do (I will open new threads, don't worry)
    - Organize the initial menu. as said the interface is very technical I need to filter only the 5 choices I need (view for monkey users)
    - Boot direcly from *.iso (the ones already working) stored on FAT32 partition EXCHANGE (see above)

  • Etienne LORRAIN

    Etienne LORRAIN - 2010-01-17

    Is there a way to hold the screen ? it goes away to fast on my little netbook there is not a PAUSE key

    There will be another way in the next version, i.e. holding the control key pressed - but on version 2.7 only the "Pause" key (also sometimes named "break") works. The thing to look for is "booted from BIOS 0x80" and then looking what the 0x80 disk is.
    If you boot from the hard disk, the emulation of USB disks is not started by the BIOS.
    Some BIOS do not seem to implement the BIOS service to wait a number of milliseconds, probably since the speed of the processor can change to reduce power consumption.
    In some case, you may be able to plug a full USB keyboard and press the Pause key, situated over PageUp/PageDown key.
    You have to press the Pause key only once the message is displayed.

    I was really curious and I unsuccessfully tried (I lost the partition table and I spent to days to recovery, my mistake on dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=512 count=ONE NOT SIXTYTHREEE !!!! to clear MBR, it was one at night…).

    Well, you should only need the "dd" command when completely re-initialising a disk, to install in BEER partition you just need to type as root:

    ./gujin /dev/sdb0

    You may have to add


    if your PC do not provide the extended BIOS for simulated USB disks, but most PC now provide it.

    Because you just need the "dd" command to destroy everything on the disk, to re-initialise it with gujin, there is no difference if you use one or sixty three.

    For me your problem of not finding the ISO on the USB disk is due to the PC booting from the internal hard disk and so not creating the BIOS emulation. You just need to re-install Gujin on /dev/sdb1 by typing:

    ./gujin /dev/sdb1 --mbr

    and get the boot order of the PC to select USB disks first - or display a boot menu (sometimes pressing ESC, F6 or F11 just after power-up, usually the key to press is displayed if you disable the power-on graphic display and show BIOS boot messages).

    To remove the warning of the BEER partition is in the extended partition, you can clear the last 8 sectors of your disk which
    has 320072933376 / 512 = 625142448 sectors:

    sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=512 count=8 seek=625142440

    That command is only valid for disk of 320072933376 bytes, and do not copy it by hand, do a cut&paste to prevent entering bad numbers!

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