
#49 Rendering issue


Dear, can you please check attached .gmn file - it does not render in a good way.

1 Attachments


  • Dominique Fober

    Dominique Fober - 2017-03-27
    • status: open --> pending
  • Dominique Fober

    Dominique Fober - 2017-03-27

    right ! there is obviously a problem with beaming when the meter is "1/8".
    I'll have a look asap. In the meantime you can set the correct beaming manually:

    [ \staff<1> \beam(c2/16 a1) \staff<2> e2/8 g ],
    [ \staff<4> \beamsOff e1/8  \staff<3> e e]
  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2017-03-30

    I was just testing manual beaming and I have only problems with it if the notes that I would like to beam together must be placed on different staffs. If the staff is the same for all notes in the group - no problems with beaming - no metter what meter.

  • Dominique Fober

    Dominique Fober - 2017-03-30

    Your use of the \staff tag and of the notation is a bit bordeline. Avoid creating 'empty' staves i.e. staves with no note (or rest) to affect them notes in other voices. A simple rewriting of your code solves the problem, see attached file.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2017-04-02


    Can you please see attached file where there is also rendering issue when using chords inside the beaming? So if we would have only single notes than no problems because there are no {} brackets inside but if chords are required to be inside than I see this rendering problem as attached.

  • Dominique Fober

    Dominique Fober - 2017-04-03

    I cannot see what's the problem. Attached is what I get.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2017-04-03

    This second chord vertical line is not alligned properly. Please see attached to see for comaprison two different gmn codes - one is using {} brackets inside \beam and other is not using and is looking much better. Not 100% sure that it is only related to that but sometimes this second note is not so nice as it is supposed to be.


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