
#46 Fixed bar width



is it possible to specify fixed bar width once calculated for all possible notes in the song? For example, when showing notes of all instruments in midi file Guido automatically puts correct bar width and that is fine. But I would like to be able to deselect some instrument(s) and than update sheet music without notes from these deselected instruments. Than bar width is calculated again and sheet music gets usually smaller (different bar width) and it is not clear which notes disappear from the sheet music. I would like to make it more intuitive which parts of the notes are not showing anymore and that would be possible only if I fix the bars so that update reflects only change in these hidden notes and not complete sheet music.

Thanks in advance


  • Dominique Fober

    Dominique Fober - 2017-03-23
  • Dominique Fober

    Dominique Fober - 2017-03-23

    how do you do to deselect an instrument ? if you replace the notes (and rests) with 'empty', you get the same spacing (empty are non visible notes that behaves like notes) e.g.
    [ \clef<"f"> \meter<"2/8"> e0/16 a g c ]
    => [ \clef<"f"> \meter<"2/8"> empty/16 empty empty empty ]


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2017-03-24

    I dedicate each guido voice ( [] ) to each midi instrument and than if user deselects some instrument via checkbox I just have a map which remembers which guido voice was for which instrument and than I know how to update the sheet music gmn code.

    This with empty notes will help! :) Thank you very much.

  • Dominique Fober

    Dominique Fober - 2017-03-24
    • status: open --> closed

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