
Apache Guacamole / News: Recent posts

Description updated

By popular demand, the nature of the backend is now stated in the description.

The original description was not intended to be misleading.

Posted by Michael Jumper 2010-04-26

Release 0.15

Guacamole 0.15 has been released. This release marks a complete switch from out-of-band image transmission to in-band image transmission.

Message size is dynamically determined based on average round-trip-time and download speed, such that the client should just finish downloading the last byte the current message when it receives the first byte of the next message.

As this technique is theoretically optimal, Guacmole is now *capable* of the same throughput as native VNC, while visual responsiveness should be one visual update per round trip.... read more

Posted by Michael Jumper 2010-04-25

Release 0.14

Guacamole 0.14 has been released. This is mainly a bug-fix release, fixing an issue encountered with recent Apache Tomcat builds, where multiple sessions (and multiple VNC clients) were being created, causing Guacamole web interface to fail.

The symptom of this issue is a Guacamole screen showing only a checkerboard pattern and a mouse pointer, where the pattern is never replaced with an interactive image.... read more

Posted by Michael Jumper 2010-04-12

Release 0.12

Guacamole 0.12 has been released.

This minor release contains speed improvements due to properly buffered streams.

Servlet code has also been cleaned up, and XML is now only output using the DOM methods provided by the Java API, rather than println().

Posted by Michael Jumper 2010-04-09

Initial testing release

Version 0.1 of Guacamole was released April 2.

This release is a testing release, paired with initial documentation provided on the main project website (

The main purpose of version 0.1 is to iron out any issues with the documentation, and guide future features/fixes for Guacamole.

If you would like to contribute, feel free to download the testing release of Guacamole and follow the provided documentation for installation. Let me know via email/tracker/forum where the documentation seems to be lacking.... read more

Posted by Michael Jumper 2010-04-05