
Apache Guacamole / News: Recent posts

Release 0.8.0

Guacamole 0.8.0 Released

The latest Guacamole, version 0.8.0, has been released.

This release features major revisions to the authentication API, and an officially-supported MySQL authentication backend that provides additional features, such as the ability to manage users and connections through the web interface.

This release also includes minor bug fixes and enhancements for VNC and RDP support.... read more

Posted by Michael Jumper 2013-03-23

Release 0.7.2

Guacamole version 0.7.2 has been released.

This release contains updates to the main web application and to RDP support, as well as improved installation documentation and tutorials in the user's guide (

A couple bugs in the way user-mapping.xml is parsed have been fixed (tickets #171 and #216). If you have been having issues with connections inexplicably not working even though all values are correct, updating may solve the problem.... read more

Posted by Michael Jumper 2013-01-21

Release 0.7.1

Guacamole 0.7.1 has been released.

This release is a minor bugfix release, with the only major bug related to Debian packaging.

All packages within the 0.7.1 bundles are the same as 0.7.0 except for libguac-client-rdp, which contains a minor bugfix, and guacd, which contains a packaging fix on Debian.

If you are using a Debian distribution (including Ubuntu) and are having trouble with Guacamole working after a reboot, release 0.7.1 fixes a packaging error in guacd that caused the daemon to fail to start after the system was rebooted.... read more

Posted by Michael Jumper 2012-12-14

Release 0.7.0

Guacamole 0.7.0 has been released.

This release features sound support for RDP, and a completely redone user interface. Recently-used connections will now display as thumbnails in their own section in the connection list.

The remote display now automatically fits the browser window by default. Mobile support has been redone, and typing on mobile is much smoother and easier to access.

The clipboard is now shared across connections. While integration with the client-side clipboard is still impossible, copy/paste between connections is seamless.... read more

Posted by Michael Jumper 2012-12-03

Release 0.6.4

Guacamole 0.6.4 has been released.

This release features better speed due to a fixed performance degradation bug (

Other noteworthy changes include:

* guacd properly daemonizes itself (#178)
* The "color-depth" parameter for RDP works (#180)
* The on-screen keyboard modifiers have been fixed (#191)
* Debian packaging issues regarding guacd have been resolved (#194 and #203)

Posted by Michael Jumper 2012-10-17

Release 0.6.3 (security fix)

Guacamole 0.6.3 has been released.

This release is purely a bugfix release, fixing a security vulnerability discovered in libguac by Timo Juhani Lindfors (CVE-2012-4415).

The guacd Debian packages have also been updated such that guacd will run as a reduced-privilege user by default. This may cause problems when upgrading from an existing installation of guacd, and you may need to kill running guacd processes to complete the upgrade.... read more

Posted by Michael Jumper 2012-09-19

Companies adopting Guacamole - Ulteo

Guacamole was designed as an API with the intent that it be used for the development of other HTML5-based remote desktop software.

Ulteo has released a beta of their HTML5 client which incorporates the Guacamole core:

This collaboration resulted in code contributions to the Guacamole project as well as testing, which helped smooth out the rough edges of Guacamole's RDP support prior to the milestone 0.6.0 release.

Posted by Michael Jumper 2012-09-19

Release 0.6.2

Guacamole 0.6.2 has been released.

This release is largely a bugfix release. International keyboard handling has been improved, and a few Ubuntu-specific bugs regarding RDP have been fixed.

Posted by Michael Jumper 2012-08-21

Milestone Release 0.6.0

Guacamole 0.6.0 has been released.

We now officially support RDP in addition to VNC.

This release is a major milestone for the project, being the first to contain official support for more than one protocol. This makes Guacamole the first open-source project to provide a full, generalized, multi-protocol remote desktop gateway over HTML5.

Also added is a menu designed for touch screen devices (brought up by long-pressing on the display), support for the native on-screen keyboard of mobile devices, and support for multiple connections per user.... read more

Posted by Michael Jumper 2012-05-06

Release 0.5.0

Guacamole 0.5.0 has been released.

This release features improvements in performance, logging, and connection stability. Support for external authentication models (such as LDAP) has been added, along with touch screen support and an automatically hiding menu.

This release is compatible with the under-development LDAP, RDP and SSH support libraries, which are to be released soon.

Downloads for multiple Linux distributions are available from the files section or from the downloads section of the project website:

Posted by Michael Jumper 2011-12-22

Trac migration to

Trac (bug tracker) for Guacamole is now being hosted at

Please use the new Trac system rather than the one hosted here on SourceForge.

The SourceForge-hosted Trac will remain up for the next few weeks as users transition to the new location. Any tickets created on SourceForge will be closed and migrated to

Ticket creation will eventually be disabled and the SourceForge-hosted Trac will ultimately be taken down once it appears that use of the old Trac has stopped.

Posted by Michael Jumper 2011-12-09

Release 0.4.0

Guacamole 0.4.0 has been released.

This release features improved performance over slower networks, the ability to log in as different users simultaneously within the same browser session, a cleaner interface, and experimental screen resize support for VNC.

This is the second release since Guacamole switched to a new native proxy and extendable Java API.

Downloads for multiple Linux distributions are available from the files section or from the downloads section of the project website:

Posted by Michael Jumper 2011-07-18

Guacamole 0.3.0 is now available

Guacamole 0.3.0 has been released. As this release is the first public release of the newly redesigned Guacamole, it is largely a testing release. It features efficient native components and an extendable framework.

Linux builds for several distributions are available from the files section, and users of Linux are encouraged to test the new version.

Builds for other platforms will be made available soon.... read more

Posted by Michael Jumper 2011-03-04

0.3.0 Development Status Update

It's been a while since the last RC, so I thought I'd give a brief status update.

The architecture of Guacamole is being changed to support a native client, which should be able to encode the PNG images required by the Guacamole protocol far more efficiently, in terms of both performance and space. It will also support multiple protocols far more easily (not just VNC), as we can leverage existing native libraries.... read more

Posted by Michael Jumper 2010-09-13

Release Candidate 0.3.0rc1

The first release candidate of 0.3.0 is available for testing.

Although the client-side password prompting feature is not in there yet, there are significant improvements to stream performance and a new swap-red-blue configuration parameter that need testing.

Users that had issues with colors (due to VMWare or some other VNC server not honoring component order) should try this RC and see if it solves your problem.

Posted by Michael Jumper 2010-07-02

Release 0.2.6

Guacamole 0.2.6 has been released. This release contains an improved (faster) drawing layer, as well as a few bug fixes: Guacamole now works in Safari/Konqueror (used to stop responding after a copyrect was issued), the "double backslash" clipboard bug has been fixed, as has a minor non-fatal javascript error when clicking "Hide Keyboard".

Posted by Michael Jumper 2010-06-10

Release 0.2.5 - continued

I forgot to mention that release 0.2.5 also contains compression support (for the connection between the VNC server and Guacamole), so users using Guacamole as a true proxy (where Guacamole is on a different server than the VNC servers) should notice a substantial speed increase.

A change which was part of ticket #23 but was missing from the previous upload of 0.2.5 is now present, so any users that downloaded release 0.2.5 in the last two hours should download again.

Posted by Michael Jumper 2010-06-03

Release 0.2.5

Guacamole 0.2.5 has been released. This is a major release, adding a number of features.

There is now an on-screen keyboard and convenient Ctrl-Alt-Del button. Although the on-screen keyboard only displays US qwerty layout for now, it is designed to support multiple layouts in the future.

Updates are no longer streamed via XML but rather through a series of text instructions. This means browsers that support reading of text content while that content is being downloaded will show greater responsiveness, and updates will be received by Guacamole as a true stream (even without web sockets). This also opens the door for generalizing Guacamole and allowing other protocols besides VNC.... read more

Posted by Michael Jumper 2010-06-03

Release 0.2.4

Guacamole 0.2.4 has been released. This release contains mainly bug fixes for Chrome.

As of 0.2.3's international keyboard support, Ctrl+KEY and Alt+KEY combinations stopped working in Chrome. These should now work fine.

Also fixed is the giant-black-box cursor problem that occurs on Chrome for Windows (actually a bug in Chrome, but we are working around it now), and the issue where the mouse pointer turns into a text selection cursor whenever the mouse is dragged.

Posted by Michael Jumper 2010-05-18

Switching to Trac

The Guacamole project is switching from the provided Tracker system to Trac for bug reports, feature requests, and project management.

Bug reports and feature requests should be submitted as new tickets to the Trac system (, rather than through the provided trackers.

Trac should provide a better platform for release planning, tracking of milestones, and project development documentation.... read more

Posted by Michael Jumper 2010-05-13

Release 0.2.3

Guacamole 0.2.3 has been released. This release adds international keyboard support, and fixes bug #2999329 ("Host VNC crash/reboot causes infinite loop").

Posted by Michael Jumper 2010-05-11

Release 0.2.2

Guacamole 0.2.2 has been released. This release contains VNC authentication support (in guacamole.xml), improved error messages (no more nondescript "Internal server error" messages), and the VNC connection automatically closes when the browser window/tab is closed, or the user navigates away from the page.

Posted by Michael Jumper 2010-05-09

Release 0.2.1

Guacamole 0.2.1 has been released. This release fixes a bug in the clipboard JavaScript that caused issues when copying Unicode text, fixes the automatic key repeat, and improves error handling.

Posted by Michael Jumper 2010-05-05

Release 0.2.0

Guacamole 0.2.0 has been released. This release adds clipboard and mouse scrollwheel support, along with a UI redesign.

Releases are also being renumbered. Previous releases did not separate the minor and release number; the current release includes the missing decimal point, and older releases will be renumbered appropriately as links are updated.

Posted by Michael Jumper 2010-05-03

Release 0.16

Guacamole 0.16 has been released. This release fixes a minor drawing bug introduced in 0.15, which could cause updates to draw out of order, resulting in graphical artifacts.

Posted by Michael Jumper 2010-04-29