Mohamed Ajmal - 2014-01-12

Hello there.. First thanks to the developer.. Micheal for making this application.. after some efforts got it to run in a clean way.. Will document the steps which I found in bits and pieces elsewhere...

Tried in centOs but couldnt - but now have Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and the front end is Lxde - which is the one I found to be better than the rest... its a Blue VM server.. very basic 256/512 ram 1-2 cores.. but this runs... the old ubuntu 0.8.1 package is what I used..

The end product what i have is Ubuntu - Lxde + Rails / RVM / Ruby + ZPanel - working well - objective being - front end coding in a server environment... - Better alternative than those online IDE.. tried as much as I could.. but they are not good..

Two issues I noticed..

  1. Say we log out and then login through guacamole... As far as it seems the gnome / display related apps run continually - leading waste consumption of ram/cpu... can it be the whole display related apps run only on login...??

  2. Bandwidth usage seems to be quite high or may be I feel so - around 1 GB usage for every 1-2 hrs of guacamole being online. How can say we fasten the output even better but simultaneously lessening the bandwidth usage..?? - is there anything like dots per inch concept here.. which we can slightly adjust for better response and lesser bandwidth usage..??


Last edit: Mohamed Ajmal 2014-01-12