
#78 Port to gnome3

general (34)
impacts Fedora 15
Red Hat Bugzilla - Bug 708242
gnotime cannot be installed due to unsatisfied dependency on


  • Teraya

    Teraya - 2011-06-01
    • priority: 5 --> 7
  • Goedson Teixeira Paixao

    I believe this is already fixe in our master branch in the repository (we've faced this problem in Ubuntu).

    I'll do a Fedora install this weekend and try to build a snapshot of the repository to test it.

    If it still doesn't work, we will fix it in the next days.

    Thank you for reporting this issue here.

  • Goedson Teixeira Paixao

    • assigned_to: nobody --> goedson
  • Goedson Teixeira Paixao

    Hi, I've tried to build gnotime in Fedora 15 and it failed due to its use of some direct reference to members of the Gtk* structures.

    I'll work on this issue and hope to have it compilable against GNOME 3.0 libraries soon.

  • Goedson Teixeira Paixao

    • priority: 7 --> 9
  • Teraya

    Teraya - 2011-07-05

    Thanks for looking into this. Any luck so far ?

  • Goedson Teixeira Paixao

    I've started work on the porting to GNOME 3.0.

    The progress done so far can be viewed at the "port-to-gnome3" branch of our Git repository.

    I hope to put some more time into this task during my vacations (starting next week), so we should have the porting done (at least to the point that it is buildable and usable in Fedora 15) by the end of July.

  • Chad Russell

    Chad Russell - 2011-10-03

    Any new updates on this? The error is still happening in Fedora 15.

  • Goedson Teixeira Paixao

    We have made some progress in porting to GNOME 3.0. There is still some work to do before we have Gnotime usable with GNOME 3.0 libs. The main points still to do are:

    - Custom reports (porting GnomeUIInfo related code)
    - Glade -> GtkBuilder
    - Gconf -> GSettings
    - GnomeDateEdit -> ?? custom code handling date and time editing

  • Peter Ajamian

    Peter Ajamian - 2013-06-09

    Hey, any more progress on this?

    Note that in the meantime you can get gnotime to run in F>=15 by rebuilding the gtkhtml3 package from Fedora 14. I have done this and renamed it to gtkhtml314 to avoid clashing with the current gtkhtml package and built both that and gnotime for Fedora 17 and 18. I think that this is a good solution that works until you finish the work on this ticket here. You can get the packages from my repository at (or 17 for the F17 version).

  • Linas Vepstas

    Linas Vepstas - 2013-06-09

    This bug is mis-named: really, the fix seems to be "port everything to gnome3". I just gave it a whirl. This is not something that can be done in a few afternoons; there are many changes that need to be done. (Goedson lists them just above).

    The work is not terribly hard ... there's just plenty of it. This needs someone who is a good C programmer and is reasonably familiar with gnome2/3 to finish the port.

  • Linas Vepstas

    Linas Vepstas - 2013-06-09
    • summary: gnotime cannot be installed due to unsatisfied dependency --> Port to gnome3
    • status: open --> accepted

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