
#233 Shell command injection when saving to an image format


When saving a scan to a PNG image and typing a file name with an ampersand character into to file save dialog, saving fails because the ampersand character is interpreted by a shell. This is a debug output when using 'sed & awk' file name:

DEBUG - Started saving /tmp/sed & awk.png
INFO - convert /tmp/gscan2pdf-hkyZ/Guv2RgScVh.pnm -density 50 /tmp/sed\ &\ awk.png
sh: awk.png: command not found
ERROR - Error saving image
DEBUG - Finished saving /tmp/sed & awk.png

Also JPEG image suffers from the same error. Saving PDF of DjVu is fine.


  • Petr Písař

    Petr Písař - 2016-11-01

    Tested with latest 1.5.5 as well as with 1.3.9.

  • Petr Písař

    Petr Písař - 2016-11-01

    I can see the _thread_save_image() function escapes some characters (not the ampersand) and then it calls

    my $status = system "echo $PROCESS_ID > $pidfile;$cmd";

    Executing commands via shell is wrong because you cannot never know how user's shell behave, what are the meta characters etc. You should IPC::Run3 or similar help to avoid it. It would also allow to capture error output, so that you can display it to the user in the GUI.

  • Petr Písař

    Petr Písař - 2016-11-01

    Attached patch implements it for saving into images.

    I spottted more system() calls in the I did not touch them.

  • Jeffrey Ratcliffe

    I use IPC::Open3 to wrap scanimage calls, but I hadn't appreciated the fact that it then removes the need to escape special characters from the shell.

    Thanks for the patch. I've committed it and you'll see it in the next release.

  • Jeffrey Ratcliffe

    • status: open --> closed-fixed

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