
#136 cropping page twice: coordinates off


Hi there!
I think I found a bug in version 1.0.4:
If you crop a page you can aquire the coordinates for cropping by this handy selection tool the software includes, but if you try to use this a second time on an already once cropped page to crop it further, then the meassurements are off and the result is something completly different from what you selected.


  • Jeffrey Ratcliffe

    I'm not sure what you are seeing.

    Please start gscan2pdf with

    gscan2pdf --log=log

    and reproduce the bug, quit, and post the log file here.

    Please include a test image three times: before you crop it, after the first crop, and then after the second crop - and describe why you think the program behaviour is wrong.

  • Thomas Kaefer

    Thomas Kaefer - 2012-05-15
  • Thomas Kaefer

    Thomas Kaefer - 2012-05-15

    the sample uncropped

  • Thomas Kaefer

    Thomas Kaefer - 2012-05-15

    first crop, correct

  • Thomas Kaefer

    Thomas Kaefer - 2012-05-15

    second crop, missing the shift

  • Thomas Kaefer

    Thomas Kaefer - 2012-05-15

    Hi ra28145! thanks for the response!
    I produced a sample file="cropping_sample.png" and cropped it once to to cut away the red part file="DxyU6M9C2X.png" and tried to cut away the green part in a second cut which failed to produce the desired result, see "rzsKZwaHpc.png". The log file of this = "log.txt"

  • Jeffrey Ratcliffe


  • Jeffrey Ratcliffe

    Thanks for the excellent test image. The attached patch fixes things for me.

  • Thomas Kaefer

    Thomas Kaefer - 2012-07-20

    Thanks for taking care of that bug! Is the patch included in the version 1.0.5?

  • Jeffrey Ratcliffe

    No. It will be in 1.0.6

  • Jeffrey Ratcliffe

    • status: open --> closed-fixed
    • Group: --> v1.0_(example)

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