
#29 blend in with file system browser in jedit


It would be very usefull if gruntspud could integrate
with the normal file system browser in jedit, adding
cvs status icons, and a cvs submenu in the main context
menu for files / directories.


  • t_magicthize

    t_magicthize - 2004-04-10

    Logged In: YES

    Its a nice idea and one I have though about previously but
    never got around to investigating.

    Do you know if the jEdit API provides a way of doing this?

  • Torgeir Veimo

    Torgeir Veimo - 2004-04-12

    Logged In: YES

    I would at least assume it does, given that it has a virtual
    file system. I can try to look into it.

  • Torgeir Veimo

    Torgeir Veimo - 2004-04-12

    Logged In: YES

    It would be very nice if the file system browser just
    "discovered" a directory to contain the CVS subdirectory (if
    configured to do so), and enabling additional commands for
    it an its files.

    The default file system provider probably have to be replaced.

    It's probably just as easy to provide the functionality to
    "mount" a directory as a CVS filesystem.

  • t_magicthize

    t_magicthize - 2004-04-12

    Logged In: YES

    First of all, thanks for taking the time to look into this.

    Right, if i understand this correctly - i think providing
    the workspace as a mount is the best way to do this, as I
    dont really want to get into replacing bits of jEdit.

    I see the VFS API has a way of providing 'extended
    attributes' that would be useful to show revisions / tags
    etc, but it looks like the only way of providing contextual
    actions (e.g. "right click -> commit") is through the
    'plugins' menu in the file browser. If jEdit doesnt have a
    way of doing this - perhaps that would be good for a feature
    request to jEdit.

  • Torgeir Veimo

    Torgeir Veimo - 2004-04-12

    Logged In: YES

    I tried the FTP plugin, but it doesn't seem to provide any
    context menu additions at all, only the submenu under the
    plugins menu (which seems to be a subclass of EditPlugin,\).
    You probably know more about this than me though.

    Maybe an extension of core jedit classes are required to
    attach additional entries to file context menus.


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