
Problem to load gpredict2 from cvs.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Hello to all.
    I got gpredict2 from CVS, did ./, then make and make install, all worked fine. Problem is when I load gpredict, it says:

    5 tle_lookup_init: Directory is /home/ct1drb/.gpredict2/tle
    4 tle_lookup_init: Read 92 sats from iridium.tle
    4 tle_lookup_init: Read 35 sats from amateur.tle
    4 tle_lookup_init: Read 61 sats from science.tle
    4 tle_lookup_init: Read 23 sats from weather.tle
    4 tle_lookup_init: Read 10 sats from radar.tle
    4 tle_lookup_init: Read 16 sats from military.tle
    4 gtk_sat_module_new: Starting wizard to create new module(/home/alexc/.gpredict2/modules/test.mod).
    2 gtk_sat_module_read_cfg_data: Could not load config data from /home/alexc/.gpredict2/modules/test.mod(No such file or directory).
    Segmentation fault

    I created directory /home/ct1drb/.gpredict2/tle.

    How can I solve this??

    Best 73s to all.

    David Quental

    • Alexandru Csete

      Alexandru Csete - 2005-10-17

      Hello David,

      I assume you realise that gpredict2 contains the bleeding edge code leading to the Gtk2 port of gpredict. It is not useful for anything else than, well, playing around with unstable and buggy code.

      Having said that, I have just comitted some updates from this weekend including a prototype for the new satellite list view. Also, the hard coded directory which leads to error in your case has been fixed.

      To get it up and go, you will need to create the directory
      and create a file test.mod with the following contents:
      #-- test.mod

      QTHFILE = /home/ct1drb/.gpredict2/ct1drb.qth
      SATELLITES = 25544;20439;22825;26609;20322;21263
      #-- end

      Here, the numbers refer to the catalogue numbers of the satellites.
      The ct1drb.qth file should contain info about your location:
      #-- ct1drb.qth

      NAME = Some name
      LOCATION = Some location
      DESCRIPTION = Some description. This can be left empty.
      WX = DDRT
      LAT = 45.23
      LON = 12.43
      ALT = 25
      #-- end

      I hope I hven't forgotten anything. In any case, I expect that gpredict2 will be in a more user friendly state in a few weeks. Let me know if you encounter any further problems.

      Alex OZ9AEC

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Hello Alex.

      I did all you wrote, now pgrs loads but no image, nothing. I have toolbar but in midle I have nothing, in preferences nothing either.

      Maybe my mistake.

      But I am here to help you develop your nice pgr.

      Best 73s till next email.

      David Quental

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Hello again Alex.

      I corrected file ct1drb.qth and in test.mod.

      Now I have satellites on main window, but nothing in preferences.

      It is a bit better, isn't it???

      Best 73s and tks.

      David Quental

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        Yes, it is exactly how it should be. The code related to preferences has not been written yet, but I am working on it now. When it is finished in a few weeks, the new gpredict will be in a more useful state and I will make an announcement on the mailing lists. I will also release development snapshots from time to time.
        Thanks for your interest.

        Alex OZ9AEC


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