
Remote Subversion problem

  • Jan Teugels

    Jan Teugels - 2010-04-07

    I have subversion with authentificationrunning on an other server.
    When i try to create a new review the resource type is Subversion the Repository and revision stay empty ?
    Where do i configure the link to the svn on the other server ?

  • Graham Pitt

    Graham Pitt - 2010-04-07


    Subversion authentication is implemented in trunk and will be officially supported in the next release which is nearing.  It has been one of the most requested features for groogle since its release.

    Until then you can hard code authentication as described in this link:



  • Jan Teugels

    Jan Teugels - 2010-04-07

    I have installed revision 595 (81-support-upload-of-patch-diff-files/) from the groogle svn.
    As I can see, i am not a php writer, the authentication is done with the userid and pasword used to login to Groogle.

    My main problem is where do I put the "http://SERVER:PORT/svn/REPOSITORY" so it knows the svn server ?
    Which tag in svn.php or does it need to come somewhere else.

  • Graham Pitt

    Graham Pitt - 2010-04-07

    Ah I see!  The main repository pre-release candidate often contains work which is incomplete and hasn't been through a test cycle.  I'll try to fix bugs you find quickly but bear that in mind.

    To declare a repository, login to groogle and use the 'My repositories' link at the top of the page.  There you can declare your repositories.

    You'll need to edit the database in two places.  First, in the repositories table set the user field to null for the repositories added for global repositories.  Global repository input is not yet supported, but is probably what you want.

    Secondly, in the review_status_submitters table set the prompt_comparison_resource to FALSE for each user.  The comparison repository input is a work in progress (as is the patching support).  You'll want to run this SQL command when this work is completed to re-enable this feature:

    UPDATE review_status_submitters SET prompt_comparison_resource = (review_role_id = 1);

    If you get any problems let me know.  If you indicate you are using this branch of groogle I'll give an indication on this forum as to when to update to switch to trunk and follow commits there and any bug fixes made on the branch you are following now.



  • Jan Teugels

    Jan Teugels - 2010-04-07

    We are not searching for a global repository definition but it could be nice.
    Once we have defined all our different projects it should work this way.

    Missed that link after installation, thanks for pointing me to it.

    Is the link "My repositories" already available in the trunk branch ?
    I am willing to install the trunk branch but i installed the last devel revision because i did not get any connection to the remote svn server and have seen some remarks that authentication would arrive in the future. So i wanted to see if this future was near or still far away.

    We are evaluating some codereviewers for future use so was eager to get it functioning and see the functionalities.

    I have some testing results and corresponding problems, do I add these to this forum or some where alse ?


  • Graham Pitt

    Graham Pitt - 2010-04-08

    Trunk is currently the same as the branch you are using but more broken.  You're better off using the branch you are using at the moment until it is merged back to trunk at which point you can do an svn switch and follow trunk.

    I am of course interested in your test results and/or comments and feature requests.  Feel free to post them here.  Bear in mind that the official releases are a lot more stable and go through a fair bit of testing so don't take finding bugs in branches and trunk as a sign it is bugware.



  • Graham Pitt

    Graham Pitt - 2010-04-09


    If you update to the latest revision of branch 81 both comparison repositories and global repository input is now supported.  There's now no need to modify the database in order to use this branch.  It also has a handful of fixes for some irritating bugs.




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