
JavaScript Error in Request Review Page

  • darkweb

    darkweb - 2011-08-16

    Hi, I'm trying out this software and I've come across an error while trying to submit a review.

    I'm using groogle-0.9.3-673, Firefox 5.0, and Debugging with Firebug 1.8.0.

    Whenever I make a change to a field I get the following error in the console:

    get_resource_fragment(form) is null
    get_resource_field_fragment(form=form#resource_form #, field_name="reviewtype")func_resources.js (line 240)
    apply_transforms(form=form#resource_form #, changed_field=select)func_resources.js (line 165)
    apply_resource_type_policies(form=form#resource_form #, changed_field=select)func_resources.js (line 16)
    resource_form_changed(changed_field=select)request.js (line 26)
    onchange()onchange (line 2)
    event = change
    var resource_fields = get_resource_fragment(form).childNodes;
    func_resources.js (line 240)

    After I've completed all of the fields, the submit button does not enable and I can't continue on.

    Any help would be appreciated.

  • Graham Pitt

    Graham Pitt - 2011-08-16


    Thanks for the bug report.  The first thing to check is that resource_xml holds a value.  If you can use firebug to display this value then it should hold an xml dom document instance.

    Secondly, which resources do you have selected which is causing the error?  Do you have some of the resource types disabled?  Could you provide the output from ajax_get_resource_types.php?



  • darkweb

    darkweb - 2011-08-16

    Hi Graham,

    Thanks for the reply.  I was able to solve the issue myself.  It turns out that with PHP 5.3.5 I'm getting tons of "deprecated" errors regarding the use of the "&".  I modified some of the libraries that were downloaded using pear and it looks like it works correctly.

    FYI The files I modified were in /usr/share/php:

    Also ereg_replace is now deprecated in 5.3.5 so it errors out in ajax_load_source.php and func_diff_files.php

  • Graham Pitt

    Graham Pitt - 2011-08-16

    Oh good work! PHP is a bit of a moving target.

    What platform are you deploying on?

  • darkweb

    darkweb - 2011-08-17

    I've configured up an Ubuntu server VM as my testing platform.  Right now I'm just testing the various code review software available.


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