
Tree [a84eee] default tip /

Read Only access

File Date Author Commit
 .settings 2016-03-17 Odmog Odmog [2f2eef] Initial import
 groan 2021-08-28 Oddwarg Oddwarg [a84eee] Updated the DPI awareness feature to work with ...
 noconsole 2018-08-17 Oddwarg Oddwarg [fb6cf7] Added support for setting an explicit AppUserMo...
 .classpath 2016-03-17 Odmog Odmog [2f2eef] Initial import
 .hgignore 2019-11-12 Oddwarg Oddwarg [540909] Improved error messages.
 .project 2016-03-17 Odmog Odmog [3090e5] Ignore logs 2020-09-17 Oddwarg Oddwarg [557330] update readme again

Read Me


The groan autodeployer is an executable wrapper/launcher for Java applications on Windows. If no appropriate JRE is found on the user's system, then the groan autodeployer is able to download an install a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) from a location of your choice. The groan autodeployer is configured using the String table in a resource editor such as XN Resource Editor or Resource Hacker.

1,  "MyApp"
2,  "MyApp.jar"
3,  "-jar MyApp.jar"
4,  "1"
5,  "8"
6,  "-1"
7,  "-1"
8,  ""
9,  "/Dep/"
10,  ""
11,  "/Dep/"
12, "\\MyBrand"
13, ""
14, "0"
15, "1"
16, ""

Compiled binaries are included in the repository (32 bit: groan-tcc.exe, 64 bit: groan-gcc.exe). A software like Resource Hacker, XN Resource Editor, or Anders Melander's free Resource Editor is required to configure the pre-compiled binary file. An alternative method is recompiling with a custom .rc file using windres and gcc.

This software is public domain. No permissions or license documents are required for its use.

Further information can be found in the readme ("groan/groan_readme.txt").